

migrate is a simple schema migration tool written in golang. No external dependencies are required (like interpreter, jre), only one platform-specific executable. golang-migrate/migrate

migrate supports several databases, including ClickHouse® (support was introduced by @kshvakov ).

To store information about migrations state migrate creates one additional table in target database, by default that table is called schema_migrations.


download the migrate executable for your platform and put it to the folder listed in your %PATH.

#wget https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/releases/download/v3.2.0/migrate.linux-amd64.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/releases/download/v4.14.1/migrate.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzf migrate.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/bin
mv migrate.linux-amd64 ~/bin/migrate
rm migrate.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Sample usage

mkdir migrations
echo 'create table test(id UInt8) Engine = Memory;' > migrations/000001_my_database_init.up.sql
echo 'DROP TABLE test;' > migrations/000001_my_database_init.down.sql

# you can also auto-create file with new migrations with automatic numbering like that:
migrate create -dir migrations -seq -digits 6 -ext sql my_database_init

edit migrations/000001_my_database_init.up.sql & migrations/000001_my_database_init.down.sql

migrate -database 'clickhouse://localhost:9000' -path ./migrations up
1/u my_database_init (6.502974ms)

migrate -database 'clickhouse://localhost:9000' -path ./migrations down
1/d my_database_init (2.164394ms)

# clears the database (use carefully - will not ask any confirmations)
➜ migrate -database 'clickhouse://localhost:9000' -path ./migrations drop

Connection string format


URL QueryDescription
x-migrations-tableName of the migrations table
x-migrations-table-engineEngine to use for the migrations table, defaults to TinyLog
x-cluster-nameName of cluster for creating table cluster wide
databaseThe name of the database to connect to
usernameThe user to sign in as
passwordThe user’s password
hostThe host to connect to.
portThe port to bind to.
secureto use a secure connection (for self-signed also add skip_verify=1)

Replicated / Distributed / Cluster environments

golang-migrate supports a clustered ClickHouse environment since v4.15.0.

If you provide x-cluster-name query param, it will create the table to store migration data on the passed cluster.

Known issues

could not load time location: unknown time zone Europe/Moscow in line 0:

It’s happens due of missing tzdata package in migrate/migrate docker image of golang-migrate. There is 2 possible solutions:

  1. You can build your own golang-migrate image from official with tzdata package.
  2. If you using it as part of your CI you can add installing tzdata package as one of step in CI before using golang-migrate.

Related GitHub issues: https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/issues/494 https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/issues/201

Using database name in x-migrations-table

  1. Creates table with database.table
  2. When running migrations migrate actually uses database from query settings and encapsulate database.table as table name: ``other_database.`database.table```