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Setup & maintenance

Learn how to set up, deploy, monitor, and backup ClickHouse® with step-by-step guides.

1 - S3 & object storage

S3 & object storage

1.1 - AWS S3 Recipes

AWS S3 Recipes

Using AWS IAM — Identity and Access Management roles

For EC2 instance, there is an option to configure an IAM role:

Role shall contain a policy with permissions like:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "allow-put-and-get",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/test_s3_disk/*"

Corresponding configuration of ClickHouse®:


Small check:

CREATE TABLE table_s3 (number Int64) ENGINE=MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY tuple() SETTINGS storage_policy='policy_s3_only';
INSERT INTO table_s3 SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 100000000;
SELECT * FROM table_s3;
DROP TABLE table_s3;

How to use AWS IRSA and IAM in the Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse to allow S3 backup without Explicit credentials

Install clickhouse-operator

Create Role and IAM Policy, look details in

Create service account with annotations

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  annotations: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<ROLE_NAME>

Link service account to podTemplate it will create AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE environment variables.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "ClickHouseInstallation"
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
       podTemplate: <POD_TEMPLATE_NAME>
      - name: <POD_TEMPLATE_NAME>
          serviceAccountName: <SERVICE ACCOUNT NAME>
            - name: clickhouse-backup

For EC2 instances the same environment variables should be created:


1.2 - How much data are written to S3 during mutations

Example of how much data ClickHouse® reads and writes to s3 during mutations.


S3 disk with disabled merges

                <use_environment_credentials>1</use_environment_credentials>  <!-- use IAM AWS role -->

Let’s create a table and load some synthetic data.

    `A` Int64,
    `S` String,
    `D` Date
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, today() - intDiv(number, 10000000) from numbers(7e8);
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 98.091 sec. Processed 700.36 million rows, 5.60 GB (7.14 million rows/s., 57.12 MB/s.)

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition
order by partition;

 default    2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 default    2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 default    2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.39 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.023 sec.

Performance of mutations for a local EBS (throughput: 500 MB/s)

select * from test_s3 where A=490000000;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.020 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 92.67 KB (419.17 thousand rows/s., 4.74 MB/s.)

select * from test_s3 where S='490000000';
1 row in set. Elapsed: 14.117 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (49.59 million rows/s., 884.68 MB/s.)

delete from test_s3 where S = '490000000';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 22.192 sec.

delete from test_s3 where A = '490000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.243 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where S = 590000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 21.387 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where A = '590000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 3.372 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where S = '690000000' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 20.265 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where A = '690000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.979 sec.

Let’s move data to S3

alter table test_s3 modify TTL D + interval 10 day to disk 's3disk';

-- 10 minutes later
 s3disk     2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-09   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-10   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-07-02   10000000  78.22 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-11   10000000  78.20 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.40 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.007 sec.

Sizes of a table on S3 and a size of each column

select sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active and disk_name = 's3disk';
│ 600000000 │ 4.58 GiB │

    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')

│ default  │ test_s3 │ A      │ 2.22 GiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ D      │ 5.09 MiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ S      │ 2.33 GiB   │

S3 Statistics of selects

select *, _part from test_s3 where A=100000000;
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08  20230708_106_111_1_738 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 65.56 KB (79.11 thousand rows/s., 633.07 KB/s.)

           6            0  70.58 KiB         0.00 B            

Select by primary key read only 70.58 KiB from S3

Size of this part

    database, table, column,
    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')
    and name = '20230708_106_111_1_738'
GROUP BY database, table, column ORDER BY column ASC

 default   test_s3  A       22.51 MiB  
 default   test_s3  D       51.47 KiB  
 default   test_s3  S       23.52 MiB  
select * from test_s3 where S='100000000';
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 86.745 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (8.07 million rows/s., 144.04 MB/s.)

         947            0  2.36 GiB          0.00 B            

Select using fullscan of S column read only 2.36 GiB from S3, the whole S column (2.33 GiB) plus parts of A and D.

delete from test_s3 where A=100000000;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 17.429 sec.

│ Q3 │        2981 │           6 │ 23.06 MiB        │ 27.25 KiB         │

insert into test select 'Q3' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

delete from test_s3 where S='100000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 31.417 sec.
│ Q4 │        4209 │           6 │ 2.39 GiB         │ 27.25 KiB         │
insert into test select 'Q4' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where A=110000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 19.521 sec.

│ Q5 │        2986 │          15 │ 42.27 MiB        │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q5' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where S='110000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 29.650 sec.

│ Q6 │        4212 │          15 │ 2.42 GiB         │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q6' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

1.3 - Example of the table at s3 with cache

s3 disk and s3 cache.

Storage configuration

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/s3.xml
                <use_environment_credentials>1</use_environment_credentials>  <!-- use IAM AWS role -->
                <max_size>50Gi</max_size>  <!-- 50GB local cache to cache remote data -->
                      <max_data_part_size_bytes>50000000000</max_data_part_size_bytes>   <!-- only for parts less than 50GB after they moved to s3 during merges -->         
                      <disk>cache</disk>  <!-- sandwich cache plus s3disk -->
                      <!-- prefer_not_to_merge>true</prefer_not_to_merge>
select * from system.disks
 cache    /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3disk/  18446744073709551615  18446744073709551615 
 default  /var/lib/clickhouse/                       149113987072          207907635200 
 s3disk   /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3disk/  18446744073709551615  18446744073709551615 

select * from system.storage_policies;
 default      default                    1  ['default']  JBOD                          0            0                    0 
 s3tiered     default                    1  ['default']  JBOD                50000000000          0.1                    0 
 s3tiered     s3cached                   2  ['s3disk']   JBOD                          0          0.1                    0 

example with a new table

    `A` Int64,
    `S` String,
    `D` Date
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, '2023-01-01' from numbers(1e9);

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 270.285 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (3.70 million rows/s., 29.60 MB/s.)

Table size is 7.65 GiB and it at the default disk (EBS):

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition;
 default    2023-01-01  1000000000  7.65 GiB           8 

It seems my EBS write speed is slower than S3 write speed:

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 98.979 sec.

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 'default';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 127.741 sec.

Queries performance against EBS:

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (3.36 million rows/s., 29.40 MB/s.)

select uniq(A) from test_s3;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 11.439 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (87.42 million rows/s., 699.33 MB/s.)

select count() from test_s3 where S like '%4422%'
1 row in set. Elapsed: 17.484 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (57.20 million rows/s., 1.02 GB/s.)

Let’s move data to S3

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 81.068 sec.

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition;
 s3disk     2023-01-01  1000000000  7.65 GiB           8 

The first query execution against S3, the second against the cache (local EBS):

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.458 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (17.88 thousand rows/s., 156.35 KB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (3.24 million rows/s., 28.32 MB/s.)

select uniq(A) from test_s3;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 26.601 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (37.59 million rows/s., 300.74 MB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 8.675 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (115.27 million rows/s., 922.15 MB/s.)

select count() from test_s3 where S like '%4422%'
1 row in set. Elapsed: 33.586 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (29.77 million rows/s., 532.63 MB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 16.551 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (60.42 million rows/s., 1.08 GB/s.)

Cache introspection

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
 /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3_cache/  7.64 GiB                      

system drop FILESYSTEM cache;

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.221 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (37.10 thousand rows/s., 324.47 KB/s.)

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
 /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3_cache/  105.95 KiB                    

No data is stored locally (except system log tables).

select name, formatReadableSize(free_space) free_space, formatReadableSize(total_space) total_space from system.disks;
 cache    16.00 EiB   16.00 EiB   
 default  48.97 GiB   49.09 GiB   
 s3disk   16.00 EiB   16.00 EiB   

example with an existing table

The mydata table is created without the explicitly defined storage_policy, it means that implicitly storage_policy=default / volume=default / disk=default.

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table='mydata' and active 
group by disk_name, partition
order by partition;
 default    202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 default    202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 default    202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 default    202301     516666677  4.01 GiB            10 
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            10 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

-- Let's change the storage policy, this command instant and changes only metadata of the table, and possible because the new storage policy and the old has the volume `default`.

alter table mydata modify setting storage_policy = 's3tiered';

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.057 sec.

straightforward (heavy) approach

-- Let's add TTL, it's a heavy command and takes a lot time and creates the performance impact, because it reads `D` column and moves parts to s3.
alter table mydata modify TTL D + interval 1 year to volume 's3cached';

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 140.661 sec.

 s3disk     202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 default    202301     516666677  4.01 GiB            10 
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            10 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

gentle (manual) approach

-- alter modify TTL changes only metadata of the table and applied to only newly insterted data.
set materialize_ttl_after_modify=0;
alter table mydata modify TTL D + interval 1 year to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.049 sec.

-- move data slowly partition by partition

alter table mydata move partition id '202201' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 49.410 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202202' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 36.952 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202203' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.808 sec.

-- data can be optimized to reduce number of parts before moving it to s3
optimize table mydata partition id '202301' final;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 66.551 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202301' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 33.332 sec.

 s3disk     202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 s3disk     202301     516666677  4.01 GiB             1  -- optimized partition
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

S3 and ClickHouse® start time

Let’s create a table with 1000 parts and move them to s3.

CREATE TABLE test_s3( A Int64, S String, D Date)
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, toDate('2000-01-01') + intDiv(number,1e6) from numbers(1e9);
optimize table test_s3 final settings optimize_skip_merged_partitions = 1;

select disk_name, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active group by disk_name;
 default    1000000000  7.64 GiB        1000 

alter table test_s3 modify ttl D + interval 1 year to disk 's3disk';

select disk_name, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name;
 default    755000000  5.77 GiB         755 
 s3disk     245000000  1.87 GiB         245 

----  several minutes later ----

 s3disk     1000000000  7.64 GiB        1000 

start time

:) select name, value from system.merge_tree_settings where name = 'max_part_loading_threads';
│ max_part_loading_threads │ 'auto(4)' │

# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server  / real	4m26.766s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server  / real	4m24.263s

# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/max_part_loading_threads.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>

# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m11.225s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m10.797s


# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m8.474s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m8.130s

1.4 - S3Disk


  • skip_access_check — if true, it’s possible to use read only credentials with regular MergeTree table. But you would need to disable merges (prefer_not_to_merge setting) on s3 volume as well.

  • send_metadata — if true, ClickHouse® will populate s3 object with initial part & file path, which allow you to recover metadata from s3 and make debug easier.

Restore metadata from S3



  1. ClickHouse need RW access to this bucket

In order to restore metadata, you would need to create restore file in metadata_path/_s3_disk_name_ directory:

touch /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/_s3_disk_name_/restore

In that case ClickHouse would restore to the same bucket and path and update only metadata files in s3 bucket.



  1. ClickHouse needs RO access to the old bucket and RW to the new.
  2. ClickHouse will copy objects in case of restoring to a different bucket or path.

If you would like to change bucket or path, you need to populate restore file with settings in key=value format:

cat /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/_s3_disk_name_/restore


2 - AggregateFunction(uniq, UUID) doubled after ClickHouse® upgrade

What happened

After ClickHouse® upgrade from version pre 21.6 to version after 21.6, count of unique UUID in AggregatingMergeTree tables nearly doubled in case of merging of data which was generated in different ClickHouse versions.

Why happened

In pull request which changed the internal representation of big integers data types (and UUID). SipHash64 hash-function used for uniq aggregation function for UUID data type was replaced with intHash64, which leads to different result for the same UUID value across different ClickHouse versions. Therefore, it results in doubling of counts, when uniqState created by different ClickHouse versions being merged together.

Related issue.


You need to replace any occurrence of uniqState(uuid) in MATERIALIZED VIEWs with uniqState(sipHash64(uuid)) and change data type for already saved data from AggregateFunction(uniq, UUID) to AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64), because result data type of sipHash64 is UInt64.

-- On ClickHouse version 21.3

CREATE TABLE uniq_state
    `key` UInt32,
    `value` AggregateFunction(uniq, UUID)
ENGINE = MergeTree

    number % 10000 AS key,
FROM numbers(1000000)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.404 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 8.38 MB (2.59 million rows/s., 20.74 MB/s.)

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┐
               0             50000 
               1             50000 
               2             50000 
               3             50000 
               4             50000 
               5             50000 
               6             49999 
               7             50000 
               8             49999 
               9             50000 
              10             50000 
              11             50000 
              12             50000 
              13             50000 
              14             50000 
              15             50000 
              16             50000 
              17             50000 
              18             50000 
              19             50000 

-- After upgrade of ClickHouse to 21.8

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┐
               0             50000 
               1             50000 
               2             50000 
               3             50000 
               4             50000 
               5             50000 
               6             49999 
               7             50000 
               8             49999 
               9             50000 
              10             50000 
              11             50000 
              12             50000 
              13             50000 
              14             50000 
              15             50000 
              16             50000 
              17             50000 
              18             50000 
              19             50000 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.240 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows, 1.16 MB (41.72 thousand rows/s., 4.86 MB/s.)

CREATE TABLE uniq_state_2
ENGINE = MergeTree
FROM uniq_state


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.128 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows, 1.16 MB (78.30 thousand rows/s., 9.12 MB/s.)

    number % 10000 AS key,
FROM numbers(1000000)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.266 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 8.38 MB (3.93 million rows/s., 31.48 MB/s.)

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state_2
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┐
               0             99834  <- Count of unique values nearly doubled.
               1            100219 
               2            100128 
               3            100457 
               4            100272 
               5            100279 
               6             99372 
               7             99450 
               8             99974 
               9             99632 
              10             99562 
              11            100660 
              12            100439 
              13            100252 
              14            100650 
              15             99320 
              16            100095 
              17             99632 
              18             99540 
              19            100098 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.356 sec. Processed 20.00 thousand rows, 2.33 MB (56.18 thousand rows/s., 6.54 MB/s.)

CREATE TABLE uniq_state_3
ENGINE = MergeTree
FROM uniq_state

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.126 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows, 1.16 MB (79.33 thousand rows/s., 9.24 MB/s.)

-- Option 1, create separate column

ALTER TABLE uniq_state_3
    ADD COLUMN `value_2` AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64) DEFAULT unhex(hex(value));
ALTER TABLE uniq_state_3
    UPDATE value_2 = value_2 WHERE 1;
FROM system.mutations
WHERE is_done = 0;


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec.

INSERT INTO uniq_state_3 (key, value_2) SELECT
    number % 10000 AS key,
FROM numbers(1000000)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.337 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 8.38 MB (3.11 million rows/s., 24.89 MB/s.)

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state_3
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┬─uniqMerge(value_2)─┐
               0             50000               50000 
               1             50000               50000 
               2             50000               50000 
               3             50000               50000 
               4             50000               50000 
               5             50000               50000 
               6             49999               49999 
               7             50000               50000 
               8             49999               49999 
               9             50000               50000 
              10             50000               50000 
              11             50000               50000 
              12             50000               50000 
              13             50000               50000 
              14             50000               50000 
              15             50000               50000 
              16             50000               50000 
              17             50000               50000 
              18             50000               50000 
              19             50000               50000 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.768 sec. Processed 20.00 thousand rows, 4.58 MB (26.03 thousand rows/s., 5.96 MB/s.)

-- Option 2, modify column in-place with String as intermediate data type. 

ALTER TABLE uniq_state_3
    MODIFY COLUMN `value` String


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.280 sec.

ALTER TABLE uniq_state_3
    MODIFY COLUMN `value` AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.254 sec.

INSERT INTO uniq_state_3 (key, value) SELECT
    number % 10000 AS key,
FROM numbers(1000000)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.554 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 8.38 MB (1.89 million rows/s., 15.15 MB/s.)

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state_3
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┬─uniqMerge(value_2)─┐
               0             50000               50000 
               1             50000               50000 
               2             50000               50000 
               3             50000               50000 
               4             50000               50000 
               5             50000               50000 
               6             49999               49999 
               7             50000               50000 
               8             49999               49999 
               9             50000               50000 
              10             50000               50000 
              11             50000               50000 
              12             50000               50000 
              13             50000               50000 
              14             50000               50000 
              15             50000               50000 
              16             50000               50000 
              17             50000               50000 
              18             50000               50000 
              19             50000               50000 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.589 sec. Processed 30.00 thousand rows, 6.87 MB (50.93 thousand rows/s., 11.66 MB/s.)

SHOW CREATE TABLE uniq_state_3;

CREATE TABLE default.uniq_state_3
    `key` UInt32,
    `value` AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64),
    `value_2` AggregateFunction(uniq, UInt64) DEFAULT unhex(hex(value))
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

-- Option 3, CAST uniqState(UInt64) to String.

CREATE TABLE uniq_state_4
ENGINE = MergeTree
FROM uniq_state


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.146 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows, 1.16 MB (68.50 thousand rows/s., 7.98 MB/s.)

INSERT INTO uniq_state_4 (key, value) SELECT
    number % 10000 AS key,
    CAST(uniqState(sipHash64(reinterpretAsUUID(number))), 'String')
FROM numbers(1000000)


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.476 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 8.38 MB (2.20 million rows/s., 17.63 MB/s.)

    key % 20,
FROM uniq_state_4
GROUP BY key % 20

┌─modulo(key, 20)─┬─uniqMerge(value)─┐
               0             50000 
               1             50000 
               2             50000 
               3             50000 
               4             50000 
               5             50000 
               6             49999 
               7             50000 
               8             49999 
               9             50000 
              10             50000 
              11             50000 
              12             50000 
              13             50000 
              14             50000 
              15             50000 
              16             50000 
              17             50000 
              18             50000 
              19             50000 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.281 sec. Processed 20.00 thousand rows, 2.33 MB (71.04 thousand rows/s., 8.27 MB/s.)

SHOW CREATE TABLE uniq_state_4;

CREATE TABLE default.uniq_state_4
    `key` UInt32,
    `value` AggregateFunction(uniq, UUID)
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

3 - Can not connect to my ClickHouse® server

Can not connect to my ClickHouse® server.

Can not connect to my ClickHouse® server

Errors like “Connection reset by peer, while reading from socket”

  1. Ensure that the clickhouse-server is running

    systemctl status clickhouse-server

    If server was restarted recently and don’t accept the connections after the restart - most probably it still just starting. During the startup sequence it need to iterate over all data folders in /var/lib/clickhouse-server In case if you have a very high number of folders there (usually caused by a wrong partitioning, or a very high number of tables / databases) that startup time can take a lot of time (same can happen if disk is very slow, for example NFS).

    You can check that by looking for ‘Ready for connections’ line in /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log (Information log level needed)

  2. Ensure you use the proper port ip / interface?

    Ensure you’re not trying to connect to secure port without tls / https or vice versa.

    For clickhouse-client - pay attention on host / port / secure flags.

    Ensure the interface you’re connecting to is the one which ClickHouse listens (by default ClickHouse listens only localhost).

    Note: If you uncomment line <listen_host></listen_host> only - ClickHouse will listen only ipv4 interfaces, while the localhost (used by clickhouse-client) may be resolved to ipv6 address. And clickhouse-client may be failing to connect.

    How to check which interfaces / ports do ClickHouse listen?

    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
    echo listen_host
    sudo clickhouse-extract-from-config --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --key=listen_host
    echo tcp_port
    sudo clickhouse-extract-from-config --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --key=tcp_port
    echo tcp_port_secure
    sudo clickhouse-extract-from-config --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --key=tcp_port_secure
    echo http_port
    sudo clickhouse-extract-from-config --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --key=http_port
    echo https_port
    sudo clickhouse-extract-from-config --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --key=https_port
  3. For secure connection:

    • ensure that server uses some certificate which can be validated by the client
    • OR disable certificate checks on the client (UNSECURE)
  4. Check for errors in /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log ?

  5. Is ClickHouse able to serve some trivial tcp / http requests from localhost?

  6. Check number of sockets opened by ClickHouse

    sudo lsof -i -a -p $(pidof clickhouse-server)
    # or (adjust 9000 / 8123 ports if needed)
    netstat -tn 2>/dev/null | tail -n +3 | awk '{ printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) }' | clickhouse-local -S "Proto String, RecvQ Int64, SendQ Int64, LocalAddress String, ForeignAddress String, State LowCardinality(String)" --query="SELECT * FROM table WHERE LocalAddress like '%:9000' FORMAT PrettyCompact"
    netstat -tn 2>/dev/null | tail -n +3 | awk '{ printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) }' | clickhouse-local -S "Proto String, RecvQ Int64, SendQ Int64, LocalAddress String, ForeignAddress String, State LowCardinality(String)" --query="SELECT * FROM table WHERE LocalAddress like '%:8123' FORMAT PrettyCompact"

    ClickHouse has a limit of number of open connections (4000 by default).

  7. Check also:

    # system overall support limited number of connections it can handle
    # you can also be reaching of of the process ulimits (Max open files)
    cat /proc/$(pidof -s clickhouse-server)/limits
  8. Check firewall / selinux rules (if used)

4 - cgroups and kubernetes cloud providers

cgroups and kubernetes cloud providers.

Why my ClickHouse® is slow after upgrade to version 22.2 and higher?

The probable reason is that ClickHouse 22.2 started to respect cgroups (Respect cgroups limits in max_threads autodetection. #33342 (JaySon).

You can observe that max_threads = 1

FROM system.settings
WHERE name = 'max_threads'

 max_threads  'auto(1)' 

This makes ClickHouse to execute all queries with a single thread (normal behavior is half of available CPU cores, cores = 64, then ‘auto(32)’).

We observe this cgroups behavior with AWS EKS (Kubernetes) environment and Altinity ClickHouse Operator in case if requests.cpu and limits.cpu are not set for a resource.


We suggest to set requests.cpu = half of available CPU cores, and limits.cpu = CPU cores.

For example in case of 16 CPU cores:

              memory: ...
              cpu: 8
              memory: ....
              cpu: 16

Then you should get a new result:

FROM system.settings
WHERE name = 'max_threads'

 max_threads  'auto(8)' 

in depth

For some reason AWS EKS sets cgroup kernel parameters in case of empty requests.cpu & limits.cpu into these:

# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us

# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us

# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.shares

This makes ClickHouse to set max_threads = 1 because of

cgroup_share = /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.shares (2)
share_count = ceil( cgroup_share / PER_CPU_SHARES ) ---> ceil(2 / 1024) ---> 1


Incorrect calculation was fixed in and will work correctly on newer releases.

5 - Transforming ClickHouse logs to ndjson using

Transforming ClickHouse logs to ndjson using

ClickHouse 22.8

Starting from 22.8 version, ClickHouse support writing logs in JSON format:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!-- Structured log formatting:
        You can specify log format(for now, JSON only). In that case, the console log will be printed
        in specified format like JSON.
        For example, as below:
        {"date_time":"1650918987.180175","thread_name":"#1","thread_id":"254545","level":"Trace","query_id":"","logger_name":"BaseDaemon","message":"Received signal 2","source_file":"../base/daemon/BaseDaemon.cpp; virtual void SignalListener::run()","source_line":"192"}
        To enable JSON logging support, just uncomment <formatting> tag below.

Transforming ClickHouse logs to ndjson using"

Installation of

# arm64

# amd64

dpkg -i vector_0.15.2-1_*.deb

systemctl stop vector

mkdir /var/log/clickhouse-server-json

chown vector.vector /var/log/clickhouse-server-json

usermod -a -G clickhouse vector

vector config

# cat /etc/vector/vector.toml
data_dir = "/var/lib/vector"

  type                          = "file"
  include                       = [ "/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log" ]
  fingerprinting.strategy       = "device_and_inode"
  message_start_indicator = '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+'
  multi_line_timeout = 1000

  inputs                        = [ "clickhouse-log" ]
  type                          = "remap"
  source = '''
     . |= parse_regex!(.message, r'^(?P<timestamp>\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+) \[\s?(?P<thread_id>\d+)\s?\] \{(?P<query_id>.*)\} <(?P<severity>\w+)> (?s)(?P<message>.*$)')

  type = "file"
  inputs = [ "clickhouse-log-text" ]
  compression = "none"
  path = "/var/log/clickhouse-server-json/clickhouse-server.%Y-%m-%d.ndjson"
  encoding.only_fields = ["timestamp", "thread_id", "query_id", "severity", "message" ]
  encoding.codec = "ndjson"


systemctl start vector

tail /var/log/clickhouse-server-json/clickhouse-server.2022-04-21.ndjson
{"message":"DiskLocal: Reserving 1.00 MiB on disk `default`, having unreserved 166.80 GiB.","query_id":"","severity":"Debug","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.164660"}
{"message":"MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202204_67118_67118_0 (state Temporary)","query_id":"","severity":"Trace","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.166810"}
{"message":"system.metric_log (e3365172-4c9b-441b-b803-756ae030e741): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202204_67118_67118_0 to 202204_171703_171703_0.","query_id":"","severity":"Trace","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.167226"}

sink logs into ClickHouse table

Be careful with logging ClickHouse messages into the same ClickHouse instance, it will cause endless recursive self-logging.

create table default.clickhouse_logs(
  timestamp DateTime64(3),
  host LowCardinality(String),
  thread_id LowCardinality(String),
  severity LowCardinality(String),
  query_id String,
  message String)
Engine = MergeTree 
Partition by toYYYYMM(timestamp)
Order by (toStartOfHour(timestamp), host, severity, query_id);

create user vector identified  by 'vector1234';
grant insert on default.clickhouse_logs to vector;
create settings profile or replace profile_vector settings log_queries=0 readonly TO vector;
    inputs   = ["clickhouse-log-text"]
    type     = "clickhouse"

    host = "http://localhost:8123"
    database = "default"
    auth.strategy = "basic"
    auth.user = "vector"
    auth.password = "vector1234"
    healthcheck = true
    table = "clickhouse_logs"

    encoding.timestamp_format = "unix"

    buffer.type = "disk"
    buffer.max_size = 104900000
    buffer.when_full = "block"

    request.in_flight_limit = 20

    encoding.only_fields =  ["host", "timestamp", "thread_id", "query_id", "severity", "message"]
select * from default.clickhouse_logs limit 10;
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Authentic
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Authentic
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Creating
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.447  clickhouse  283155     Debug               MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 4.00 MiB.
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.447  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Destroyin
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Authentic
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Authentic
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Creating
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.496  clickhouse  283155     Debug               MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 4.00 MiB.
 2022-04-21 19:08:13.496  clickhouse  283155     Debug               HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Destroyin

6 - Altinity Kubernetes Operator For ClickHouse®

Altinity Kubernetes Operator For ClickHouse®

Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse® Documentation

7 - ClickHouse® and different filesystems

ClickHouse® and different filesystems.

In general ClickHouse® should work with any POSIX-compatible filesystem.

  • hard links and soft links support is mandatory.
  • ClickHouse can use O_DIRECT mode to bypass the cache (and async io)
  • ClickHouse can use renameat2 command for some atomic operations (not all the filesystems support that).
  • depending on the schema and details of the usage the filesystem load can vary between the setup. The most natural load - is high throughput, with low or moderate IOPS.
  • data is compressed in ClickHouse (LZ4 by default), while indexes / marks / metadata files - no. Enabling disk-level compression can sometimes improve the compression, but can affect read / write speed.


no issues, fully supported.

The minimum kernel version required is 3.15 (newer are recommended)


Performance issues reported by users, use on own risk. Old kernels are not recommended (4.0 or newer is recommended).

According to the users’ feedback, XFS behaves worse with ClickHouse under heavy load. We don’t have real proofs/benchmarks though, example reports:

  • In GitHub there are complaints about XFS from Cloudflare.
  • Recently my colleague discovered that two of ClickHouse servers perform worse in a cluster than others and they found that they accidentally set up those servers with XFS instead of Ext4.
  • in the system journal you can sometimes see reports like ’task XYZ blocked for more than 120 seconds’ and stack trace pointing to XFS code (example: )
  • system goes to 99% io kernel under load sometimes.
  • we have XFS, sometimes ClickHouse goes to “sleep” because XFS daemon is doing smth unknown

Maybe the above problem can be workaround by some tuning/settings, but so far we do not have a working and confirmed way to do this.


Limitations exist, extra tuning may be needed, and having more RAM is recommended. Old kernels are not recommended.

Memory usage control - ZFS adaptive replacement cache (ARC) can take a lot of RAM. It can be the reason of out-of-memory issues when memory is also requested by the ClickHouse.

  • It seems that the most important thing is zfs_arc_max - you just need to limit the maximum size of the ARC so that the sum of the maximum size of the arc + the CH itself does not exceed the size of the available RAM. For example, we set a limit of 80% RAM for ClickHouse and 10% for ARC. 10% will remain for the system and other applications


important note: In versions before 2.2 ZFS does not support the renameat2 command, which is used by the Atomic database engine, and therefore some of the Atomic functionality will not be available.

In old versions of ClickHouse, you can face issues with the O_DIRECT mode.

Also there is a well-known (and controversial) Linus Torvalds opinion: “Don’t Use ZFS on Linux” [1], [2], [3].


Not enough information. Some users report performance improvement for their use case.


Not enough information.


There are reports that some people successfully use it in their setups. A fast network is required.

There were some reports about data damage on the disks on older ClickHouse versions, which could be caused by the issues with O_DIRECT or async io support on Lustre.

NFS (and EFS)

According to the reports - it works, throughput depends a lot on the network speed. IOPS / number of file operations per seconds can be super low (due to the locking mechanism).


There are installations using that. No extra info.


There are installations using that. No extra info.


There are installations using that. Some information:

8 - ClickHouse® Access Control and Account Management (RBAC)

Access Control and Account Management (RBAC).


Enable ClickHouse® RBAC and create admin user

Create an admin user like (root in MySQL or postgres in PostgreSQL) to do the DBA/admin ops in the user.xml file and set the access management property for the admin user

        Password could be specified in plaintext or in SHA256 (in hex format).

        If you want to specify password in plaintext (not recommended), place it in 'password' element.
        Example: <password>qwerty</password>.
        Password could be empty.

        If you want to specify SHA256, place it in 'password_sha256_hex' element.
        Example: <password_sha256_hex>65e84be33532fb784c48129675f9eff3a682b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee02337c5</password_sha256_hex>
        Restrictions of SHA256: impossibility to connect to ClickHouse using MySQL JS client (as of July 2019).

        If you want to specify double SHA1, place it in 'password_double_sha1_hex' element.
        Example: <password_double_sha1_hex>e395796d6546b1b65db9d665cd43f0e858dd4303</password_double_sha1_hex>
      <!-- Settings profile for user. -->
      <!-- Quota for user. -->
      <!-- Set This parameter to Enable RBAC
      Admin user can create other users and grant rights to them. -->

default user

As default is used for many internal and background operations, so it is not convenient to set it up with a password, because you would have to change it in many configs/parts. Best way to secure the default user is only allow localhost or trusted network connections like this in users.xml:


replication user

The replication user is defined by interserver_http_credential tag. It does not relate to a ClickHouse client credentials configuration. If this tag is ommited then authentication is not used during replication. Ports 9009 and 9010(tls) provide low-level data access between servers. This ports should not be accessible from untrusted networks. You can specify credentials for authentication between replicas. This is required when interserver_https_port is accessible from untrusted networks. You can do so by defining user and password to the interserver credentials. Then replication protocol will use basic access authentication when connecting by HTTP/HTTPS to other replicas:


Create users and roles

Now we can setup users/roles using a generic best-practice approach for RBAC from other databases, like using roles, granting permissions to roles, creating users for different applications, etc…

see User Hardening article

Example: 3 roles (dba, dashboard_ro, ingester_rw)

create role dba on cluster '{cluster}';
grant all on *.* to dba on cluster '{cluster}';
create user `user1` identified  by 'pass1234' on cluster '{cluster}';
grant dba to user1 on cluster '{cluster}';

create role dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}';
grant select on default.* to dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}';
grant dictGet on *.*  to dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}';

create settings profile or replace profile_dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}'
settings max_concurrent_queries_for_user = 10 READONLY, 
         max_threads = 16 READONLY, 
         max_memory_usage_for_user = '30G' READONLY,
         max_memory_usage = '30G' READONLY,
         max_execution_time = 60 READONLY,
         max_rows_to_read = 1000000000 READONLY,
         max_bytes_to_read = '5000G' READONLY
TO dashboard_ro;

create user `dash1` identified  by 'pass1234' on cluster '{cluster}';

grant dashboard_ro to dash1 on cluster '{cluster}';

create role ingester_rw on cluster '{cluster}';
grant select,insert on default.* to ingester_rw on cluster '{cluster}';

create settings profile or replace profile_ingester_rw on cluster '{cluster}'
settings max_concurrent_queries_for_user = 40 READONLY,    -- user can run 40 queries (select, insert ...) simultaneously  
         max_threads = 10 READONLY,                        -- each query can use up to 10 cpu (READONLY means user cannot override a value)
         max_memory_usage_for_user = '30G' READONLY,       -- all queries of the user can use up to 30G RAM
         max_memory_usage = '25G' READONLY,                -- each query can use up to 25G RAM
         max_execution_time = 200 READONLY,                -- each query can executes no longer 200 seconds
         max_rows_to_read = 1000000000 READONLY,           -- each query can read up to 1 billion rows
         max_bytes_to_read = '5000G' READONLY              -- each query can read up to 5 TB from a MergeTree
TO ingester_rw;

create user `ingester_app1` identified  by 'pass1234' on cluster '{cluster}';

grant ingester_rw to ingester_app1 on cluster '{cluster}';


$ clickhouse-client -u dash1 --password pass1234

create table test ( A Int64) Engine=Log;
   DB::Exception: dash1: Not enough privileges
$ clickhouse-client -u user1 --password pass1234

create table test ( A Int64) Engine=Log;

drop table test;

$ clickhouse-client -u ingester_app1 --password pass1234

select count() from system.numbers limit 1000000000000;
   DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Limit for rows or bytes to read exceeded, max rows: 1.00 billion

clean up

show profiles;

drop profile if exists readonly on cluster '{cluster}';
drop profile if exists profile_dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}';
drop profile if exists profile_ingester_rw on cluster '{cluster}';

show roles;

drop role if exists dba on cluster '{cluster}';
drop role if exists dashboard_ro on cluster '{cluster}';
drop role if exists ingester_rw on cluster '{cluster}';

show users;

drop user if exists ingester_app1 on cluster '{cluster}';
drop user if exists user1 on cluster '{cluster}';
drop user if exists dash1 on cluster '{cluster}';

9 - Compatibility layer for the Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse®

Page description for heading and indexes.

It’s possible to expose clickhouse-server metrics in the style used by the Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse®. It’s for the clickhouse-operator grafana dashboard.

CREATE VIEW system.operator_compatible_metrics
    `name` String,
    `value` Float64,
    `help` String,
    `labels` Map(String, String),
    `type` String
) AS
    concat('chi_clickhouse_event_', event) AS name,
    CAST(value, 'Float64') AS value,
    description AS help,
    map('hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'counter' AS type
    concat('chi_clickhouse_metric_', metric) AS name,
    CAST(value, 'Float64') AS value,
    description AS help,
    map('hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.metrics
    concat('chi_clickhouse_metric_', metric) AS name,
    '' AS help,
    map('hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.asynchronous_metrics
    'chi_clickhouse_metric_MemoryDictionaryBytesAllocated' AS name,
    CAST(sum(bytes_allocated), 'Float64') AS value,
    'Memory size allocated for dictionaries' AS help,
    map('hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.dictionaries
    'chi_clickhouse_metric_LongestRunningQuery' AS name,
    CAST(max(elapsed), 'Float64') AS value,
    'Longest running query time' AS help,
    map('hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.processes
    ['chi_clickhouse_table_partitions', 'chi_clickhouse_table_parts', 'chi_clickhouse_table_parts_bytes', 'chi_clickhouse_table_parts_bytes_uncompressed', 'chi_clickhouse_table_parts_rows', 'chi_clickhouse_metric_DiskDataBytes', 'chi_clickhouse_metric_MemoryPrimaryKeyBytesAllocated'] AS names,
    [uniq(partition), count(), sum(bytes), sum(data_uncompressed_bytes), sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated)] AS values,
    arrayJoin(arrayZip(names, values)) AS tpl
    tpl.1 AS name,
    CAST(tpl.2, 'Float64') AS value,
    '' AS help,
    map('database', database, 'table', table, 'active', toString(active), 'hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
    ['chi_clickhouse_table_mutations', 'chi_clickhouse_table_mutations_parts_to_do'] AS names,
    [CAST(count(), 'Float64'), CAST(sum(parts_to_do), 'Float64')] AS values,
    arrayJoin(arrayZip(names, values)) AS tpl
    tpl.1 AS name,
    tpl.2 AS value,
    '' AS help,
    map('database', database, 'table', table, 'hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.mutations
WHERE is_done = 0
WITH if(coalesce(reason, 'unknown') = '', 'detached_by_user', coalesce(reason, 'unknown')) AS detach_reason
    'chi_clickhouse_metric_DetachedParts' AS name,
    CAST(count(), 'Float64') AS value,
    '' AS help,
    map('database', database, 'table', table, 'disk', disk, 'hostname', hostName()) AS labels,
    'gauge' AS type
FROM system.detached_parts
nano /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/operator_metrics.xml
                <query>SELECT * FROM system.operator_compatible_metrics FORMAT Prometheus</query>
                <content_type>text/plain; charset=utf-8</content_type>
curl http://localhost:8123/metrics
# HELP chi_clickhouse_metric_Query Number of executing queries
# TYPE chi_clickhouse_metric_Query gauge
chi_clickhouse_metric_Query{hostname="LAPTOP"} 1

# HELP chi_clickhouse_metric_Merge Number of executing background merges
# TYPE chi_clickhouse_metric_Merge gauge
chi_clickhouse_metric_Merge{hostname="LAPTOP"} 0

# HELP chi_clickhouse_metric_PartMutation Number of mutations (ALTER DELETE/UPDATE)
# TYPE chi_clickhouse_metric_PartMutation gauge
chi_clickhouse_metric_PartMutation{hostname="LAPTOP"} 0

10 - How to convert uniqExact states to approximate uniq functions states

A way to convert to uniqExactState to other uniqStates (like uniqCombinedState) in ClickHouse®


uniqExactState is stored in two parts: a count of values in LEB128 format + list values without a delimiter.

In our case, the value is sipHash128 of strings passed to uniqExact function.

│ 01E2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7            │
  01         E2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7
  ^          ^
  LEB128     sipHash128

┌─hex(uniqExactState(toString(arrayJoin([1, 2]))))───────────────────┐
│ 024809CB4528E00621CF626BE9FA14E2BFE2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7 │
  02 4809CB4528E00621CF626BE9FA14E2BF E2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7
  ^        ^                                ^
LEB128 sipHash128                       sipHash128

So, our task is to find how we can generate such values by ourself. In case of String data type, it just the simple sipHash128 function.

│ 4809CB4528E00621CF626BE9FA14E2BF │ E2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7 │

The second task: it needs to read a state and split it into an array of values. Luckily for us, ClickHouse® use the exact same serialization (LEB128 + list of values) for Arrays (in this case if uniqExactState and Array are serialized into RowBinary format).

We need one a helper – UDF function to do that conversion:

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/pipe_function.xml

This UDF – pipe converts uniqExactState to the Array(FixedString(16)).

┌─arrayMap(x -> hex(x), pipe(uniqExactState(toString(arrayJoin([1, 2])))))──────────────┐
│ ['4809CB4528E00621CF626BE9FA14E2BF','E2756D8F7A583CA23016E03447724DE7']               │

And here is the full example, how you can convert uniqExactState(string) to uniqState(string) or uniqCombinedState(string) using pipe UDF and arrayReduce('func', [..]).

-- Generate demo with random data, uniqs are stored as heavy uniqExact
CREATE TABLE aggregates
    `id` UInt32,
    `uniqExact` AggregateFunction(uniqExact, String)
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree
ORDER BY id as
    number % 10000 AS id,
FROM numbers(10000000)

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.042 sec. Processed 10.01 million rows, 80.06 MB (4.90 million rows/s., 39.21 MB/s.)

-- Let's add a new columns to store optimized, approximate uniq & uniqCombined
ALTER TABLE aggregates
    ADD COLUMN `uniq` AggregateFunction(uniq, FixedString(16)) 
             default arrayReduce('uniqState', pipe(uniqExact)),
    ADD COLUMN `uniqCombined` AggregateFunction(uniqCombined, FixedString(16)) 
             default arrayReduce('uniqCombinedState', pipe(uniqExact));

-- Materialize defaults in the new columns
ALTER TABLE aggregates UPDATE uniqCombined = uniqCombined, uniq = uniq 
WHERE 1 settings mutations_sync=2;

-- Let's reset defaults to remove the dependancy of the UDF from our table
ALTER TABLE aggregates
     modify COLUMN `uniq` remove default,
     modify COLUMN `uniqCombined` remove default;

-- Alternatively you can populate data in the new columns directly without using DEFAULT columns
-- ALTER TABLE aggregates UPDATE 
--     uniqCombined = arrayReduce('uniqCombinedState', pipe(uniqExact)), 
--     uniq = arrayReduce('uniqState', pipe(uniqExact)) 
-- WHERE 1 settings mutations_sync=2;

-- Check results, results are slighty different, because uniq & uniqCombined are approximate functions
    id % 20 AS key,
FROM aggregates

   0                     500000                           500195           500455 
   1                     500000                           502599           501549 
   2                     500000                           498058           504428 
   3                     500000                           499748           500195 
   4                     500000                           500791           500836 
   5                     500000                           502430           497558 
   6                     500000                           500262           501785 
   7                     500000                           501514           495758 
   8                     500000                           500121           498597 
   9                     500000                           502173           500455 
  10                     500000                           499144           498386 
  11                     500000                           500525           503139 
  12                     500000                           503624           497103 
  13                     500000                           499986           497992 
  14                     500000                           502027           494833 
  15                     500000                           498831           500983 
  16                     500000                           501103           500836 
  17                     500000                           499409           496791 
  18                     500000                           501641           502991 
  19                     500000                           500648           500881 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.312 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows, 7.61 MB (4.33 thousand rows/s., 3.29 MB/s.)

Now, lets repeat the same insert, but in that case we will also populate uniq & uniqCombined with values converted via sipHash128 function. If we did everything right, uniq counts will not change, because we inserted the exact same values.

    number % 10000 AS id,
FROM numbers(10000000)

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 5.386 sec. Processed 10.01 million rows, 80.06 MB (1.86 million rows/s., 14.86 MB/s.)

    id % 20 AS key,
FROM aggregates

   0                     500000                           500195           500455 
   1                     500000                           502599           501549 
   2                     500000                           498058           504428 
   3                     500000                           499748           500195 
   4                     500000                           500791           500836 
   5                     500000                           502430           497558 
   6                     500000                           500262           501785 
   7                     500000                           501514           495758 
   8                     500000                           500121           498597 
   9                     500000                           502173           500455 
  10                     500000                           499144           498386 
  11                     500000                           500525           503139 
  12                     500000                           503624           497103 
  13                     500000                           499986           497992 
  14                     500000                           502027           494833 
  15                     500000                           498831           500983 
  16                     500000                           501103           500836 
  17                     500000                           499409           496791 
  18                     500000                           501641           502991 
  19                     500000                           500648           500881 

20 rows in set. Elapsed: 3.318 sec. Processed 20.00 thousand rows, 11.02 MB (6.03 thousand rows/s., 3.32 MB/s.)

Let’s compare the data size, uniq won in this case, but check this article Functions to count uniqs, mileage may vary.

optimize table aggregates final;

    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed,
    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_uncompressed_bytes) AS usize) AS uncompressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1)  AND (table LIKE 'aggregates') and column like '%uniq%'
GROUP BY column

 uniqExact     153.21 MiB  152.61 MiB   
 uniqCombined  76.62 MiB   76.32 MiB    
 uniq          38.33 MiB   38.18 MiB    

11 - Custom Settings

Using custom settings

Using custom settings in config

You can not use the custom settings in config file ‘as is’, because ClickHouse® don’t know which datatype should be used to parse it.

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/default_profile.xml 
<?xml version="1.0"?>
     	     <custom_data_version>1</custom_data_version> <!-- will not work! see below -->

That will end up with the following error:

2021.09.24 12:50:37.369259 [ 264905 ] {} <Error> ConfigReloader: Error updating configuration from '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml' config.: Code: 536. DB::Exception: Couldn't restore Field from dump: 1: while parsing value '1' for setting 'custom_data_version'. (CANNOT_RESTORE_FROM_FIELD_DUMP), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. DB::Exception::Exception(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, int, bool) @ 0x9440eba in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
1. DB::Field::restoreFromDump(std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> > const&)::$_4::operator()() const @ 0x10449da0 in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
2. DB::Field::restoreFromDump(std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> > const&) @ 0x10449bf1 in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
3. DB::BaseSettings<DB::SettingsTraits>::stringToValueUtil(std::__1::basic_string_view<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) @ 0x1042e2bf in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
4. DB::UsersConfigAccessStorage::parseFromConfig(Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration const&) @ 0x1041a097 in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
5. void std::__1::__function::__policy_invoker<void (Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration>, bool)>::__call_impl<std::__1::__function::__default_alloc_func<DB::UsersConfigAccessStorage::load(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::function<std::__1::shared_ptr<zkutil::ZooKeeper> ()> const&)::$_0, void (Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration>, bool)> >(std::__1::__function::__policy_storage const*, Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration>&&, bool) @ 0x1042e7ff in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
6. DB::ConfigReloader::reloadIfNewer(bool, bool, bool, bool) @ 0x11caf54e in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
7. DB::ConfigReloader::run() @ 0x11cb0f8f in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
8. ThreadFromGlobalPool::ThreadFromGlobalPool<void (DB::ConfigReloader::*)(), DB::ConfigReloader*>(void (DB::ConfigReloader::*&&)(), DB::ConfigReloader*&&)::'lambda'()::operator()() @ 0x11cb19f1 in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
9. ThreadPoolImpl<std::__1::thread>::worker(std::__1::__list_iterator<std::__1::thread, void*>) @ 0x9481f5f in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
10. void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void ThreadPoolImpl<std::__1::thread>::scheduleImpl<void>(std::__1::function<void ()>, int, std::__1::optional<unsigned long>)::'lambda0'()> >(void*) @ 0x9485843 in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/25f6646c3be7aa95f452ec85461e96178aa365.debug
11. start_thread @ 0x9609 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
12. __clone @ 0x122293 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 (version (official build))

2021.09.29 11:36:07.722213 [ 2090 ] {} <Error> Application: DB::Exception: Couldn't restore Field from dump: 1: while parsing value '1' for setting 'custom_data_version'

To make it work you need to change it an the following way:

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/default_profile.xml 
<?xml version="1.0"?>


cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/default_profile.xml 
<?xml version="1.0"?>

The list of recognized prefixes is in the sources:

12 - Description of asynchronous_metrics

Description of asynchronous_metrics
CompiledExpressionCacheCount    -- number or compiled cached expression (if CompiledExpressionCache is enabled)

jemalloc -- parameters of jemalloc allocator, they are not very useful, and not interesting

MarkCacheBytes / MarkCacheFiles  -- there are cache for .mrk files (default size is 5GB), you can see is it use all 5GB or not

MemoryCode  -- how much memory allocated for ClickHouse® executable 

MemoryDataAndStack -- virtual memory allocated for data and stack

MemoryResident  -- real memory used by ClickHouse ( the same as top RES/RSS)

MemoryShared   -- shared memory used by ClickHouse

MemoryVirtual  -- virtual memory used by ClickHouse ( the same as top VIRT)



ReplicasMaxAbsoluteDelay -- important parameter - replica max absolute delay in seconds

ReplicasMaxRelativeDelay -- replica max relative delay (from other replicas) in seconds

ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueue  -- max number of parts to fetch for a single Replicated table

ReplicasSumInsertsInQueue  -- sum of parts to fetch for all Replicated tables

ReplicasMaxMergesInQueue  -- max number of merges in queue for a single Replicated table

ReplicasSumMergesInQueue  -- total number of merges in queue for all Replicated tables

ReplicasMaxQueueSize -- max number of tasks  for a single Replicated table 

ReplicasSumQueueSize -- total number of tasks in replication queue

UncompressedCacheBytes/UncompressedCacheCells  -- allocated memory for uncompressed cache (disabled by default)

Uptime     -- uptime seconds

13 - ClickHouse® data/disk encryption (at rest)

Example how to encrypt data in tables using storage policies.

Create folder

mkdir /data/clickhouse_encrypted
chown clickhouse.clickhouse /data/clickhouse_encrypted

Configure encrypted disk and storage

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/encrypted_storage.xml
                <key_hex id="0">00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff</key_hex>
systemctl restart clickhouse-server
select name, path, type, is_encrypted from system.disks;
 default         /var/lib/clickhouse/                   local             0 
 disk1           /data/clickhouse_encrypted/            local             0 
 encrypted_disk  /data/clickhouse_encrypted/encrypted/  local             1 

select * from system.storage_policies;
 default      default                         1  ['default']         JBOD                          0            0                    0 
 encrypted    encrypted_volume                1  ['encrypted_disk']  JBOD                          0            0                    0 

Create table

CREATE TABLE bench_encrypted(c_int Int64, c_str varchar(255), c_float Float64) 
engine=MergeTree order by c_int
settings storage_policy = 'encrypted';
cat /data/clickhouse_encrypted/encrypted/store/906/9061167e-d5f7-45ea-8e54-eb6ba3b678dc/format_version.txt

Compare performance of encrypted and not encrypted tables

CREATE TABLE bench_encrypted(c_int Int64, c_str varchar(255), c_float Float64) 
engine=MergeTree order by c_int
settings storage_policy = 'encrypted';

insert into bench_encrypted
select toInt64(cityHash64(number)), lower(hex(MD5(toString(number)))), number/cityHash64(number)*10000000 
from numbers_mt(100000000);

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 33.357 sec. Processed 100.66 million rows, 805.28 MB (3.02 million rows/s., 24.14 MB/s.)

CREATE TABLE bench_unencrypted(c_int Int64, c_str varchar(255), c_float Float64) 
engine=MergeTree order by c_int;

insert into bench_unencrypted
select toInt64(cityHash64(number)), lower(hex(MD5(toString(number)))), number/cityHash64(number)*10000000 
from numbers_mt(100000000);

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 31.175 sec. Processed 100.66 million rows, 805.28 MB (3.23 million rows/s., 25.83 MB/s.)

select avg(c_float) from bench_encrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.195 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (511.66 million rows/s., 4.09 GB/s.)

select avg(c_float) from bench_unencrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.150 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (668.71 million rows/s., 5.35 GB/s.)

select sum(c_int) from bench_encrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.281 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (355.74 million rows/s., 2.85 GB/s.)

select sum(c_int) from bench_unencrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.193 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (518.88 million rows/s., 4.15 GB/s.)

set max_threads=1;

select avg(c_float) from bench_encrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.934 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (107.03 million rows/s., 856.23 MB/s.)

select avg(c_float) from bench_unencrypted;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.874 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 800.00 MB (114.42 million rows/s., 915.39 MB/s.)

read key_hex from environment variable

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/encrypted_storage.xml
                <key_hex from_env="DiskKey"/>

cat /etc/default/clickhouse-server
systemctl restart clickhouse-server

14 - DR two DC

Disaster Recovery configuration between two data centers

Clickhouse uses Keeper (or ZooKeeper) to inform other cluster nodes about changes. Clickhouse nodes then fetch new parts directly from other nodes in the cluster. The Keeper cluster is a key for building a DR schema. You can consider Keeper a “true” cluster while clickhouse-server nodes as storage access instruments.

To implement a disaster recovery (DR) setup for ClickHouse across two physically separated data centers (A and B), with only one side active at a time, you can create a single ClickHouse cluster spanning both data centers. This setup will address data synchronization, replication, and coordination needs.

Cluster Configuration

  1. Create a single ClickHouse cluster with nodes in both data centers.
  2. Configure the appropriate number of replicas and shards based on your performance and redundancy requirements.
  3. Use ClickHouse Keeper or ZooKeeper for cluster coordination (see Keeper flavors discussion below).

Data Synchronization and Replication

  1. ClickHouse replicas operate in a master-master configuration, eliminating the need for a separate slave approach.
  2. Configure replicas across both data centers to ensure data synchronization.
  3. While both DCs have active replicas, consider DC B replicas as “passive” from the application’s perspective.

Example Configuration:

<!-- Add more shards as needed -->

Keeper Setup

  1. In the active data center (DC A):
    • Deploy 3 active Keeper nodes
  2. In the passive data center (DC B):
    • Deploy 1 Keeper node in observer role

Failover Process:

In case of a failover:

  1. Shut down the ClickHouse cluster in DC A completely
  2. Manually switch Keeper in DC B from observer to active participant (restart needed).
  3. Create two additional Keeper nodes (they will replicate the state automatically).
  4. Add two additional Keeper nodes to clickhouse configs

ClickHouse Keeper vs. ZooKeeper

While ClickHouse Keeper is generally preferable for very high-load scenarios, ZooKeeper remains a viable option for many deployments.


  • ClickHouse Keeper is optimized for ClickHouse operations and can handle higher loads.
  • ZooKeeper is well-established and works well for many clients.

The choice between ClickHouse Keeper and ZooKeeper is more about the overall system architecture and load patterns.

Configuration Synchronization

To keep configurations in sync:

  1. Use ON CLUSTER clause for DDL statements
  2. Store RBAC objects in Keeper
  3. Implement a configuration management system (e.g., Ansible, Puppet) to simultaneously apply changes to clickhouse configuration files in config.d

15 - How ALTERs work in ClickHouse®

How ALTERs work in ClickHouse®:


Lightweight, will only change table metadata. So new entity will be added in case of creation of new parts during INSERT’s OR during merges of old parts.

In case of COLUMN, ClickHouse will calculate column value on fly in query context.

If you want to backpopulate data for old parts, you have multiple options:


Will materialize this entity.


Will trigger merge, which will lead to materialization of all entities in affected parts.

ALTER TABLE xxxx UPDATE column_name = column_name WHERE 1;

Will trigger mutation, which will materialize this column.


Lightweight, it’s only about changing of table metadata and removing corresponding files from filesystem. For Compact parts it will trigger merge, which can be heavy. issue


  1. Change column type in table schema.
  2. Schedule mutation to change type for old parts.


Affected parts - parts with rows matching condition.

ALTER TABLE xxxxx DELETE WHERE column_1 = 1;

  1. Will overwrite all column data in affected parts.
  2. For all part(ition)s will create new directories on disk and write new data to them or create hardlinks if they untouched.
  3. Register new parts names in ZooKeeper.


Will do the same but only for specific partition.

ALTER TABLE xxxxx UPDATE SET column_2 = column_2, column_3 = column_3 WHERE column_1 = 1;

  1. Will overwrite column_2, column_3 data in affected parts.
  2. For all part(ition)s will create new directories on disk and write new data to them or create hardlinks if they untouched.
  3. Register new parts names in ZooKeeper.

DELETE FROM xxxxx WHERE column_1 = 1;

  1. Will create & populate hidden boolean column in affected parts. (_row_exists column)
  2. For all part(ition)s will create new directories on disk and write new data to them or create hardlinks if they untouched.
  3. Register new parts names in ZooKeeper.

Despite that LWD mutations will not rewrite all columns, steps 2 & 3 in case of big tables can take significant time.

16 - How to recreate a table in case of total corruption of the replication queue

How to recreate a table in case of total corruption of the replication queue.

How to fix a replication using hard-reset way

  1. Find the best replica (replica with the most fresh/consistent) data.
  2. Backup the table alter table mydatabase.mybadtable freeze;
  3. Stop all applications!!! Stop ingestion. Stop queries - table will be empty for some time.
  4. Check that detached folder is empty or clean it.
SELECT concat('alter table ', database, '.', table, ' drop detached part \'', name, '\' settings allow_drop_detached=1;')
FROM system.detached_parts
WHERE (database = 'mydatabase') AND (table = 'mybadtable')
  1. Make sure that detached folder is empty select count() from system.detached_parts where database='mydatabase' and table ='mybadtable';
  2. Detach all parts (table will became empty)
SELECT concat('alter table ', database, '.', table, ' detach partition id \'', partition_id, '\';') AS detach
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database = 'mydatabase') AND (table = 'mybadtable')
GROUP BY detach
  1. Make sure that table is empty select count() from mydatabase.mybadtable;
  2. Attach all parts back
SELECT concat('alter table ', database, '.', table, ' attach part \'',, '\';')
FROM system.detached_parts AS a
WHERE (database = 'mydatabase') AND (table = 'mybadtable')
  1. Make sure that data is consistent at all replicas
    formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) AS size,
    count() AS part_count,
    uniqExact(partition) AS partition_count
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database = 'mydatabase') AND (table = 'mybadtable');

17 - http handler example

http handler example

http handler example (how to disable /play)

# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/play_disable.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
                <content_type>text/plain; charset=UTF-8</content_type>
        <defaults/>         <!-- handler to save default handlers ?query / ping -->

18 - Logging

Logging configuration and issues

Q. I get errors:

File not found: /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log.0.
File not found: /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log.8.gz.


 File not found: /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log.0, Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):
0. Poco::FileImpl::handleLastErrorImpl(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) @ 0x11c2b345 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
1. Poco::PurgeOneFileStrategy::purge(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) @ 0x11c84618 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
2. Poco::FileChannel::log(Poco::Message const&) @ 0x11c314cc in /usr/bin/clickhouse
3. DB::OwnFormattingChannel::logExtended(DB::ExtendedLogMessage const&) @ 0x8681402 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
4. DB::OwnSplitChannel::logSplit(Poco::Message const&) @ 0x8682fa8 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
5. DB::OwnSplitChannel::log(Poco::Message const&) @ 0x8682e41 in /usr/bin/clickhouse

A. Check if you have proper permission to a log files folder, and enough disk space (& inode numbers) on the block device used for logging.

ls -la /var/log/clickhouse-server/
df -Th
df -Thi

Q. How to configure logging in ClickHouse®?

A. See

19 - Precreate parts using clickhouse-local

Precreate parts using clickhouse-local.

Precreate parts using clickhouse-local

the code below were testes on 23.3

## 1. Imagine we want to process this file:

cat <<EOF > /tmp/data.csv
2,2020-02-02,"Another string"
3,2020-03-03,"One more string"
4,2020-01-02,"String for first partition"

rm -rf /tmp/precreate_parts
mkdir -p /tmp/precreate_parts
cd /tmp/precreate_parts

## 2. that is the metadata for the table we want to fill
## schema should match the schema of the table from server
## (the easiest way is just to copy it from the server)

## I've added sleepEachRow(0.5) here just to mimic slow insert

clickhouse-local --path=. --query="CREATE DATABASE local"
clickhouse-local --path=. --query="CREATE TABLE local.test (id UInt64, d Date, s String, x MATERIALIZED sleepEachRow(0.5)) Engine=MergeTree ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(d);"

## 3. we can insert the input file into that table in different manners:

## a) just plain insert
cat /tmp/data.csv | clickhouse-local --path=. --query="INSERT INTO local.test FORMAT CSV"

## b) use File on the top of stdin (allows to tune the types)
clickhouse-local --path=. --query="CREATE TABLE local.stdin (id UInt64, d Date, s String) Engine=File(CSV, stdin)"
cat /tmp/data.csv | clickhouse-local --path=. --query="INSERT INTO local.test SELECT * FROM local.stdin"

## c) Instead of stdin you can use file engine 
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "CREATE TABLE local.data_csv (id UInt64, d Date, s String) Engine=File(CSV, '/tmp/data.csv')"
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "INSERT INTO local.test SELECT * FROM local.data_csv" 

# 4. now we have already parts created
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "SELECT _part,* FROM local.test ORDER BY id"
ls -la data/local/test/

# if needed we can even preprocess them more agressively - by doing OPTIMIZE ON that 
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE local.test FINAL"

# that works, but clickhouse will keep inactive parts (those 'unmerged') in place.
ls -la data/local/test/

# we can use a bit hacky way to force it to remove inactive parts them
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "ALTER TABLE local.test MODIFY SETTING old_parts_lifetime=0, cleanup_delay_period=0, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=0"

## needed to give background threads time to clean inactive parts (max_block_size allows to stop that quickly if needed)
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "SELECT count() FROM numbers(100) WHERE sleepEachRow(0.1) SETTINGS max_block_size=1"

ls -la data/local/test/
clickhouse-local --path=. --query "SELECT _part,* FROM local.test ORDER BY id"

20 - Recovery after complete data loss

When disaster strikes

Atomic & Ordinary databases.

srv1 – good replica

srv2 – lost replica / we will restore it from srv1

test data (3 tables (atomic & ordinary databases))


create database testatomic on cluster '{cluster}' engine=Atomic;
create table testatomic.test on cluster '{cluster}' (A Int64, D Date, s String)
Engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}','{replica}')
partition by toYYYYMM(D)
order by A;
insert into testatomic.test select number, today(), '' from numbers(1000000);

create database testordinary on cluster '{cluster}' engine=Ordinary;
create table testordinary.test on cluster '{cluster}' (A Int64, D Date, s String)
Engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}','{replica}')
partition by toYYYYMM(D)
order by A;
insert into testordinary.test select number, today(), '' from numbers(1000000);

create table default.test on cluster '{cluster}' (A Int64, D Date, s String)
Engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}','{replica}')
partition by toYYYYMM(D)
order by A;
insert into default.test select number, today(), '' from numbers(1000000);

destroy srv2


/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server stop
rm -rf /var/lib/clickhouse/*

generate script to re-create databases (create_database.sql).


$ cat /home/ubuntu/generate_schema.sql
SELECT concat('CREATE DATABASE "', name, '" ENGINE = ', engine, ' COMMENT \'', comment, '\';')
FROM system.databases
WHERE name NOT IN ('INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'information_schema', 'system', 'default');

clickhouse-client < /home/denis.zhuravlev/generate_schema.sql > create_database.sql

check the result

$ cat create_database.sql
CREATE DATABASE "testatomic" ENGINE = Atomic COMMENT '';
CREATE DATABASE "testordinary" ENGINE = Ordinary COMMENT '';

transfer this create_database.sql to srv2 (scp / rsync)

make a copy of schema sql files (metadata_schema.tar)


cd /var/lib/clickhouse/
tar -cvhf /home/ubuntu/metadata_schema.tar metadata

-h - is important! (-h, –dereference Follow symlinks; archive and dump the files they point to.)

transfer this metadata_schema.tar to srv2 (scp / rsync)

create databases at srv2


/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server start
clickhouse-client < create_database.sql
/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server stop

create tables at srv2


cd /var/lib/clickhouse/
tar xkfv /home/ubuntu/metadata_schema.tar
sudo -u clickhouse touch /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/force_restore_data
/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server start

tar xkfv -k is important! To save folders/symlinks created with create database ( -k, –keep-old-files Don’t replace existing files when extracting )

check a recovery


SELECT count() FROM testatomic.test;

SELECT count() FROM testordinary.test;

SELECT count() FROM default.test;

21 - Replication: Can not resolve host of another ClickHouse® server


When configuring Replication the ClickHouse® cluster nodes are experiencing communication issues, and an error message appears in the log that states that the ClickHouse host cannot be resolved.

<Error> DNSResolver: Cannot resolve host (xxxxx), error 0: DNS error.
 auto DB::StorageReplicatedMergeTree::processQueueEntry(ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::SelectedEntryPtr)::(anonymous class)::operator()(DB::StorageReplicatedMergeTree::LogEntryPtr &) const: Code: 198. DB::Exception: Not found address of host: xxxx. (DNS_ERROR),


The error message indicates that the host name of the one of the nodes of the cluster cannot be resolved by other cluster members, causing communication issues between the nodes.

Each node in the replication setup pushes its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to Zookeeper, and if other nodes cannot access it using its FQDN, this can cause issues.


There are two possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Change the FQDN to allow other nodes to access it. This solution can also help to keep the environment more organized. To do this, use the following command to edit the hostname file:
sudo vim /etc/hostname

Or use the following command to change the hostname:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ...
  1. Use the configuration parameter <interserver_http_host> to specify the IP address or hostname that the nodes can use to communicate with each other. This solution can have some issues, such as the one described in this link: To configure this parameter, refer to the documentation for more information:

22 - source parts size is greater than the current maximum

source parts size (…) is greater than the current maximum (…)


I see messages like: source parts size (...) is greater than the current maximum (...) in the logs and/or inside system.replication_queue


Usually that means that there are already few big merges running. You can see the running merges using the query:

SELECT * FROM system.merges

That logic is needed to prevent picking a log of huge merges simultaneously (otherwise they will take all available slots and ClickHouse® will not be able to do smaller merges, which usually are important for keeping the number of parts stable).


It is normal to see those messages on some stale replicas. And it should be resolved automatically after some time. So just wait & monitor system.merges & system.replication_queue tables, it should be resolved by it’s own.

If it happens often or don’t resolves by it’s own during some longer period of time, it could be caused by:

  1. increased insert pressure
  2. disk issues / high load (it works slow, not enough space etc.)
  3. high CPU load (not enough CPU power to catch up with merges)
  4. issue with table schemas leading to high merges pressure (high / increased number of tables / partitions / etc.)

Start from checking dmesg / system journals / ClickHouse monitoring to find the anomalies.

23 - Successful ClickHouse® deployment plan

Successful ClickHouse® deployment plan

Successful ClickHouse® deployment plan

Stage 0. Build POC

  1. Install single node ClickHouse
  2. Start with creating a single table (the biggest one), use MergeTree engine. Create ‘some’ schema (most probably it will be far from optimal). Prefer denormalized approach for all immutable dimensions, for mutable dimensions - consider dictionaries.
  3. Load some amount of data (at least 5 Gb, and 10 mln rows) - preferable the real one, or as close to real as possible. Usually the simplest options are either through CSV / TSV files (or insert into clickhouse_table select * FROM mysql(...) where ...)
  4. Create several representative queries.
  5. Check the columns cardinality, and appropriate types, use minimal needed type
  6. Review the partition by and order by.
  7. Create the schema(s) with better/promising order by / partitioning, load data in. Pick the best schema.
  8. consider different improvements of particular columns (codecs / better data types etc.)
  9. If the performance of certain queries is not enough - consider using PREWHERE / skipping indexes
  10. Repeat 2-9 for next big table(s). Avoid scenarios when you need to join big tables.
  11. Pick the clients library for you programming language (the most mature are python / golang / java / c++), build some pipeline - for inserts (low QPS, lot of rows in singe insert, check acknowledgements & retry the same block on failures), ETLs if needed, some reporting layer (

Stage 1. Planning the production setup

  1. Collect more data / estimate insert speed, estimate the column sizes per day / month.
  2. Measure the speed of queries
  3. Consider improvement using materialized views / projections / dictionaries.
  4. Collect requirements (ha / number of simultaneous queries / insert pressure / ’exactly once’ etc)
  5. Do a cluster sizing estimation, plan the hardware 
  6. plan the network, if needed - consider using LoadBalancers etc.
  7. If you need sharding - consider different sharding approaches.

Stage 2. Preprod setup & development

  1. Install ClickHouse in cluster - several nodes / VMs + zookeeper
  2. Create good config & automate config / os / restarts (ansible / puppet etc)
  3. Set up monitoring / log processing / alerts etc.
  4. Set up users.
  5. Think of schema management. Deploy the schema.
  6. Design backup / failover strategies:
  7. Develop pipelines / queries, create test suite, CI/CD
  8. Do benchmark / stress tests
  9. Test configuration changes / server restarts / failovers / version upgrades
  10. Review the security topics (tls, limits / restrictions, network, passwords)
  11. Document the solution for operations

Stage 3. Production setup

  1. Deploy the production setup (consider also canary / blue-greed deployments etc)
  2. Schedule ClickHouse upgrades every 6 to 12 months (if possible)

24 - sysall database (system tables on a cluster level)

sysall database (system tables on a cluster level)


The idea is that you have a macros cluster with cluster name.

For example you have a cluster named production and this cluster includes all ClickHouse® nodes.

$ cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/clusters.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

And you need to have a macro cluster set to production:

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Now you should be able to query all nodes using clusterAllReplicas:

    materialize(uptime()) AS uptime
FROM clusterAllReplicas('{cluster}',
SETTINGS skip_unavailable_shards = 1

 chhost1     chhost1.localdomain  1071574 
 chhost2     chhost2.localdomain  1071517 

skip_unavailable_shards is necessary to query a system with some nodes are down.

Script to create DB objects

clickhouse-client -q 'show tables from system'> list
for i in `cat list`; do echo "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sysall."$i" as select hostName() nodeHost, FQDN() nodeFQDN, * from clusterAllReplicas('{cluster}', system."$i") SETTINGS skip_unavailable_shards = 1;"; done;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sysall.cluster_state AS
    if(uptime > 0, 'UP', 'DOWN') AS node_state
FROM system.clusters
        replaceRegexpOne(hostName(),'-(\d+)-0$','-\1') AS host_name,  -- remove trailing 0
        FQDN() AS fqdn,
        materialize(uptime()) AS uptime
    FROM clusterAllReplicas('{cluster}',
) as hosts_info USING (host_name)
WHERE cluster = getMacro('cluster')
SETTINGS skip_unavailable_shards = 1;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sysall.asynchronous_inserts as select hostName() nodeHost, FQDN() nodeFQDN, * from clusterAllReplicas('{cluster}', system.asynchronous_inserts) SETTINGS skip_unavailable_shards = 1;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sysall.asynchronous_metrics as select hostName() nodeHost, FQDN() nodeFQDN