Configure ClickHouse® for low memory environments

While Clickhouse® it’s typically deployed on powerful servers with ample memory and CPU, it can be deployed in resource-constrained environments like a Raspberry Pi. Whether you’re working on edge computing, IoT data collection, or simply experimenting with ClickHouse in a small-scale setup, running it efficiently on low-memory hardware can be a rewarding challenge.


<!-- config.xml -->
<!-- These settinsg should allow to run clickhouse in nodes with 4GB/8GB RAM -->
  <!-- disable some optional components/tables -->
  <mysql_port remove="1" />
  <postgresql_port remove="1" />  
  <query_thread_log remove="1" />
  <opentelemetry_span_log remove="1" />
  <processors_profile_log remove="1" />   

  <!-- disable mlock, allowing binary pages to be unloaded from RAM, relying on Linux defaults -->

  <!-- decrease the cache sizes -->
  <mark_cache_size>268435456</mark_cache_size> <!-- 256 MB -->
  <index_mark_cache_size>67108864</index_mark_cache_size> <!-- 64 MB -->
  <uncompressed_cache_size>16777216</uncompressed_cache_size> <!-- 16 MB -->

  <!-- control the concurrency -->
  <max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio>0.75</max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio> <!-- 75% of the RAM, leave more for the system -->
  <max_server_memory_usage>0</max_server_memory_usage> <!-- We leave the overcommiter to manage available ram for queries-->

  <!-- reconfigure the main pool to limit the merges (those can create problems if the insert pressure is high) -->
    <max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool>1073741824</max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool> <!-- 1 GB max part-->

  <!-- shrink all pools to minimum-->
<!-- users.xml -->
      <max_bytes_before_external_group_by>3221225472</max_bytes_before_external_group_by> <!-- 3 GB -->
      <max_bytes_before_external_sort>3221225472</max_bytes_before_external_sort> <!-- 3 GB -->

Some interesting settings to explain:

  • Disabling both postgres/mysql interfaces will release some CPU/memory resources.
  • Disabling some system tables like processor_profile_log, opentelemetry_span_log, or query_thread_log will help reducing write amplification. Those tables write a lot of data very frequently. In a Raspi4 with 4 GB of RAM and a simple USB3.1 storage they can spend some needed resources.
  • Decrease mark caches. Defaults are 5GB and they are loaded into RAM (in newer versions this behavior of loading them completely in RAM can be tuned with a prewarm setting ) so better to reserve a reasonable amount of space in line with the total amount of RAM. For example for 4/8GB 256MB is a good value.
  • Tune server memory and leave 25% for OS ops (max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)
  • Tune the thread pools and queues for merges and mutations:
    • merge_max_block_size will reduce the number of rows per block when merging. Default is 8192 and this will reduce the memory usage of merges.
    • The number_of_free_entries_in_pool settings are very nice to tune how much concurrent merges are allowed in the queue. When there is less than specified number of free entries in pool , start to lower maximum size of merge to process (or to put in queue) or do not execute part mutations to leave free threads for regular merges . This is to allow small merges to process - not filling the pool with long running merges or multiple mutations. You can check clickhouse documentation to get more insights.
  • Reduce the background pools and be conservative. In a Raspi4 with 4 cores and 4 GB or ram, background pool should be not bigger than the number of cores and even less if possible.
  • Tune some profile settings to enable disk spilling (max_bytes_before_external_group_by and max_bytes_before_external_sort) and reduce the number of threads per query plus enable queuing of queries (queue_max_wait_ms) if the max_concurrent_queries limit is exceeded.