Transforming ClickHouse logs to ndjson using
ClickHouse 22.8
Starting from 22.8 version, ClickHouse support writing logs in JSON format:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Structured log formatting:
You can specify log format(for now, JSON only). In that case, the console log will be printed
in specified format like JSON.
For example, as below:
{"date_time":"1650918987.180175","thread_name":"#1","thread_id":"254545","level":"Trace","query_id":"","logger_name":"BaseDaemon","message":"Received signal 2","source_file":"../base/daemon/BaseDaemon.cpp; virtual void SignalListener::run()","source_line":"192"}
To enable JSON logging support, just uncomment <formatting> tag below.
Transforming ClickHouse logs to ndjson using"
Installation of
# arm64
# amd64
dpkg -i vector_0.15.2-1_*.deb
systemctl stop vector
mkdir /var/log/clickhouse-server-json
chown vector.vector /var/log/clickhouse-server-json
usermod -a -G clickhouse vector
vector config
# cat /etc/vector/vector.toml
data_dir = "/var/lib/vector"
type = "file"
include = [ "/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log" ]
fingerprinting.strategy = "device_and_inode"
message_start_indicator = '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+'
multi_line_timeout = 1000
inputs = [ "clickhouse-log" ]
type = "remap"
source = '''
. |= parse_regex!(.message, r'^(?P<timestamp>\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+) \[\s?(?P<thread_id>\d+)\s?\] \{(?P<query_id>.*)\} <(?P<severity>\w+)> (?s)(?P<message>.*$)')
type = "file"
inputs = [ "clickhouse-log-text" ]
compression = "none"
path = "/var/log/clickhouse-server-json/clickhouse-server.%Y-%m-%d.ndjson"
encoding.only_fields = ["timestamp", "thread_id", "query_id", "severity", "message" ]
encoding.codec = "ndjson"
systemctl start vector
tail /var/log/clickhouse-server-json/clickhouse-server.2022-04-21.ndjson
{"message":"DiskLocal: Reserving 1.00 MiB on disk `default`, having unreserved 166.80 GiB.","query_id":"","severity":"Debug","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.164660"}
{"message":"MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202204_67118_67118_0 (state Temporary)","query_id":"","severity":"Trace","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.166810"}
{"message":"system.metric_log (e3365172-4c9b-441b-b803-756ae030e741): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202204_67118_67118_0 to 202204_171703_171703_0.","query_id":"","severity":"Trace","thread_id":"283239","timestamp":"2022.04.21 13:43:21.167226"}
sink logs into ClickHouse table
Be careful with logging ClickHouse messages into the same ClickHouse instance, it will cause endless recursive self-logging.
create table default.clickhouse_logs(
timestamp DateTime64(3),
host LowCardinality(String),
thread_id LowCardinality(String),
severity LowCardinality(String),
query_id String,
message String)
Engine = MergeTree
Partition by toYYYYMM(timestamp)
Order by (toStartOfHour(timestamp), host, severity, query_id);
create user vector identified by 'vector1234';
grant insert on default.clickhouse_logs to vector;
create settings profile or replace profile_vector settings log_queries=0 readonly TO vector;
inputs = ["clickhouse-log-text"]
type = "clickhouse"
host = "http://localhost:8123"
database = "default"
auth.strategy = "basic"
auth.user = "vector"
auth.password = "vector1234"
healthcheck = true
table = "clickhouse_logs"
encoding.timestamp_format = "unix"
buffer.type = "disk"
buffer.max_size = 104900000
buffer.when_full = "block"
request.in_flight_limit = 20
encoding.only_fields = ["host", "timestamp", "thread_id", "query_id", "severity", "message"]
select * from default.clickhouse_logs limit 10;
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Authentic
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Authentic
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.443 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Creating
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.447 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 4.00 MiB.
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.447 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: 13e87050-7824-46b0-9bd5-29469a1b102f Destroyin
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Authentic
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Authentic
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.495 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Creating
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.496 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 4.00 MiB.
│ 2022-04-21 19:08:13.496 │ clickhouse │ 283155 │ Debug │ │ HTTP-Session: f7eb829f-7b3a-4c43-8a41-a2e6676177fb Destroyin