Moving a table to another device.

Suppose we mount a new device at path /mnt/disk_1 and want to move table_4 to it.

  1. Create directory on new device for ClickHouse data. /in shell mkdir /mnt/disk_1/clickhouse
  2. Change ownership of created directory to ClickHouse user. /in shell chown -R clickhouse:clickhouse /mnt/disk_1/clickhouse
  3. Create a special storage policy which should include both disks: old and new. /in shell
nano /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/storage.xml
          default disk is special, it always
          exists even if not explicitly
          configured here, but you can't change
          it's path here (you should use <path>
          on top level config instead)
             You can reserve some amount of free space
             on any disk (including default) by adding
             keep_free_space_bytes tag
      <disk_1> <!-- disk name -->
      <move_from_default_to_disk_1> <!-- name for new storage policy -->
          <disk_1_vol> <!-- name of volume -->
                we have only one disk in that volume
                and we reference here the name of disk
                as configured above in <disks> section
  1. Update storage_policy setting of tables to new policy.
ALTER TABLE table_4 MODIFY SETTING storage_policy='move_from_default_to_disk_1';
  1. Wait till all parts of tables change their disk_name to new disk.
SELECT name,disk_name, path from WHERE table='table_4' and active;
SELECT disk_name, path, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), uniq(partition), count() FROM WHERE table='table_4' and active GROUP BY disk_name, path ORDER BY disk_name, path;
  1. Remove ‘default’ disk from new storage policy. In server shell:
nano /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/storage.xml
          default disk is special, it always
          exists even if not explicitly
          configured here, but you can't change
          it's path here (you should use <path>
          on top level config instead)
             You can reserve some amount of free space
             on any disk (including default) by adding
             keep_free_space_bytes tag
      <disk_1> <!-- disk name -->
      <move_from_default_to_disk_1> <!-- name for new storage policy -->
          <disk_1_vol> <!-- name of volume -->
                we have only one disk in that volume
                and we reference here the name of disk
                as configured above in <disks> section

ClickHouse wouldn’t auto reload config, because we removed some disks from storage policy, so we need to restart it by hand.

  1. Restart ClickHouse server.
  2. Make sure that storage policy uses the right disks.
SELECT * FROM system.storage_policies WHERE policy_name='move_from_default_to_disk_1';
Last modified 2023.01.17: Fixed syntax in title (503fe67)