Add/Remove a new replica to a ClickHouse® cluster

How to add/remove a new replica manually and using clickhouse-backup

ADD nodes/replicas to a ClickHouse® cluster

To add some replicas to an existing cluster if -30TB then better to use replication:

  • don’t add the remote_servers.xml until replication is done.
  • Add these files and restart to limit bandwidth and avoid saturation (70% total bandwidth):

Core Settings | ClickHouse Docs

💡 Do the Gbps to Bps math correctly. For 10G —> 1250MB/s —> 1250000000 B/s and change max_replicated_* settings accordingly:

  • Nodes replicating from:
  • Nodes replicating to:

Manual method (DDL)

  • Create tables manually and be sure macros in all replicas are aligned with the ZK path. If zk path uses {cluster} then this method won’t work. ZK path should use {shard} and {replica} or {uuid} (if databases are Atomic) only.
-- DDL for Databases
SELECT concat('CREATE DATABASE "', name, '" ENGINE = ', engine_full, ';') 
FROM system.databases
INTO OUTFILE 'databases.sql' 
-- DDL for tables and views
    replaceRegexpOne(replaceOne(concat(create_table_query, ';'), '(', 'ON CLUSTER \'{cluster}\' ('), 'CREATE (TABLE|DICTIONARY|VIEW|LIVE VIEW|WINDOW VIEW)', 'CREATE \\1 IF NOT EXISTS')
    database NOT IN ('system', 'information_schema', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') AND
    create_table_query != '' AND
    name NOT LIKE '.inner.%%' AND
    name NOT LIKE '.inner_id.%%'
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/schema.sql' AND STDOUT
SETTINGS show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil=1;
--- DDL only for materialized views
    replaceRegexpOne(replaceOne(concat(create_table_query, ';'), 'TO', 'ON CLUSTER \'{cluster}\' TO'), '(CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW)', '\\1 IF NOT EXISTS')
    database NOT IN ('system', 'information_schema', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') AND
    create_table_query != '' AND
    name NOT LIKE '.inner.%%' AND
    name NOT LIKE '.inner_id.%%' AND
		as_select != ''
SETTINGS show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil=1;

This will generate the UUIDs in the CREATE TABLE definition, something like this:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.insert_test UUID '51b41170-5192-4947-b13b-d4094c511f06' ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' (`id_order` UInt16, `id_plat` UInt32, `id_warehouse` UInt64, `id_product` UInt16, `order_type` UInt16, `order_status` String, `datetime_order` DateTime, `units` Int16, `total` Float32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{uuid}/{shard}', '{replica}') PARTITION BY tuple() ORDER BY (id_order, id_plat, id_warehouse) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;
  • Copy both SQL to destination replica and execute
clickhouse-client --host localhost --port 9000 -mn < databases.sql
clickhouse-client --host localhost --port 9000 -mn < schema.sql

Using clickhouse-backup

  • Using clickhouse-backup to copy the schema of a replica to another is also convenient and moreover if using Atomic database with {uuid} macros in ReplicatedMergeTree engines:
sudo -u clickhouse clickhouse-backup --schema --rbac create_remote full-replica
# From the destination replica
sudo -u clickhouse clickhouse-backup --schema --rbac restore_remote full-replica

Using altinity operator

If there is at least one alive replica in the shard, you can remove PVCs and STS for affected nodes and trigger reconciliation. The operator will try to copy the schema from other replicas.

Check that schema migration was successful and node is replicating

  • To check that the schema migration has been successful query system.replicas:
SELECT DISTINCT database,table,replica_is_active FROM system.replicas FORMAT Vertical
  • Check how the replication process is performing using

    • If there are many postponed tasks with message:
    Not executing fetch of part 7_22719661_22719661_0 because 16 fetches already executing, max 16.2023-09-25 17:03:06 │            │

    then it is ok, the maximum replication slots are being used. Exceptions are not OK and should be investigated

  • If migration was successful and replication is working then wait until the replication is finished. It may take some days depending on how much data is being replicated. After this edit the cluster configuration xml file for all replicas (remote_servers.xml) and add the new replica to the cluster.

Possible problems


Code: 253. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. 
DB::Exception: There was an error on []: 
Code: 253. DB::Exception: Replica /clickhouse/tables/3c3503c3-ed3c-443b-9cb3-ef41b3aed0a8/1/replicas/ 
already exists. (REPLICA_ALREADY_EXISTS) (version (official build)). (REPLICA_ALREADY_EXISTS)
(query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xxxx.yyyy UUID '3c3503c3-ed3c-443b-9cb3-ef41b3aed0a8'

The DDLs have been executed and some tables have been created and after that dropped but some left overs are left in ZK:

  • If databases can be dropped then use DROP DATABASE xxxxx SYNC
  • If databases cannot be dropped use SYSTEM DROP REPLICA ‘replica_name’ FROM db.table


Code: 57. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. 
DB::Exception: There was an error on []: 
Code: 57. DB::Exception: Directory for table data store/3c3/3c3503c3-ed3c-443b-9cb3-ef41b3aed0a8/ already exists. 
(TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS) (version (official build)). (TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS)
(query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xxxx.yyyy UUID '3c3503c3-ed3c-443b-9cb3-ef41b3aed0a8' ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'

Tables have not been dropped correctly:

  • If databases can be dropped then use DROP DATABASE xxxxx SYNC
  • If databases cannot be dropped use:
SELECT concat('DROP TABLE ', database, '.', name, ' SYNC;') 
FROM system.tables 
WHERE database NOT IN ('system', 'information_schema', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') 
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/drop_tables.sql' 


  • Sometimes replication goes very fast and if you have a tiered storage hot/cold you could run out of space, so for that it is interesting to:
    • reduce fetches from 8 to 4
    • increase moves from 8 to 16
  • Also to monitor this with:
FROM system.metrics
WHERE metric LIKE '%Move%'

Query id: 5050155b-af4a-474f-a07a-f2f7e95fb395

│ BackgroundMovePoolTask │     0 │ Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for moves │

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.164 sec. 

dnieto-test :) SELECT * FROM system.metrics WHERE metric LIKE '%Fetch%';

FROM system.metrics
WHERE metric LIKE '%Fetch%'

Query id: 992cae2a-fb58-4150-a088-83273805d0c4

│ ReplicatedFetch           │     0 │ Number of data parts being fetched from replica           │
│ BackgroundFetchesPoolTask │     0 │ Number of active fetches in an associated background pool │

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.163 sec.
  • There are new tables in v23 system.replicated_fetches and system.moves check it out for more info.
  • if needed just stop replication using SYSTEM STOP FETCHES from the replicating nodes

REMOVE nodes/Replicas from a Cluster

  • It is important to know which replica/node you want to remove to avoid problems. To check it you need to connect to the replica/node you want to remove and:
SELECT DISTINCT replica_name
FROM system.replicas

│ arg_t01      │
│ arg_t02      │
│ arg_t03      │
│ arg_t04      │
  • After that we need connect to a replica different from the one that we want to remove (arg_tg01) and execute:
  • This cannot be executed on the replica we want to remove (drop local replica), please use DROP TABLE/DATABASE for that. DROP REPLICA does not drop any tables and does not remove any data or metadata from disk:
-- What happens if executing system drop replica in the local replica to remove.

Elapsed: 0.017 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.8.6):
Code: 305. DB::Exception: Received from dnieto-zenbook.lan:9440. DB::Exception: We can't drop local replica, please use `DROP TABLE` if you want to clean the data and drop this replica. (TABLE_WAS_NOT_DROPPED)
  • After DROP REPLICA, we need to check that the replica is gone from the list or replicas. Connect to a node and execute:
SELECT DISTINCT replica_name
FROM system.replicas

│ arg_t02      │
│ arg_t03      │
│ arg_t04      │

-- We should see there is no replica arg_t01
  • Delete the replica in the cluster configuration: remote_servers.xml and shutdown the node/replica removed.
Last modified 2024.10.18: Update (9fd8fef)