Converting MergeTree to Replicated

Options here are:

  1. UseINSERT INTO foo_replicated SELECT * FROM foo. (suitable for small tables)
  2. Create table aside and attach all partition from the existing table then drop original table (uses hard links don’t require extra disk space). ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID 'bar' FROM 'foo' You can easily auto generate those commands using a query like: SELECT DISTINCT 'ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID \'' || partition_id || '\' FROM foo;' from WHERE table = 'foo';
  3. Do it ‘in place’ using some file manipulation. see the procedure described here:
  4. Do a backup of MergeTree and recover as ReplicatedMergeTree.
  5. Embedded command for recent Clickhouse versions -

example for option 2

Note: ATTACH PARTITION ID ‘bar’ FROM ‘foo’` is practically free from compute and disk space perspective. This feature utilizes filesystem hard-links and the fact that files are immutable in ClickHouse® ( it’s the core of the ClickHouse design, filesystem hard-links and such file manipulations are widely used ).

create table foo( A Int64, D Date, S String ) 
Engine MergeTree 
partition by toYYYYMM(D) order by A;

insert into foo select number, today(), '' from numbers(1e8);
insert into foo select number, today()-60, '' from numbers(1e8);

select count() from foo;

create table foo_replicated as foo 
Engine ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}/{shard}','{replica}')
partition by toYYYYMM(D) order by A;


SELECT DISTINCT 'ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID \'' || partition_id || '\' FROM foo;' from WHERE table = 'foo' AND active;
┌─concat('ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID \'', partition_id, '\' FROM foo;')─┐
 ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID '202111' FROM foo;                         
 ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID '202201' FROM foo;                         

clickhouse-client -q "SELECT DISTINCT 'ALTER TABLE foo_replicated ATTACH PARTITION ID \'' || partition_id || '\' FROM foo;' from WHERE table = 'foo' format TabSeparatedRaw" |clickhouse-client -mn


SELECT count() FROM foo_replicated;

rename table foo to foo_old, foo_replicated to foo;

-- you can drop foo_old any time later, it's kinda a cheap backup, 
-- it cost nothing until you insert a lot of additional data into foo_replicated
Last modified 2024.12.03: native way added (0b5684c)