Functions to count uniqs
Functions to count uniqs.
Functions to count uniqs
Function | Function(State) | StateSize | Result | QPS |
uniqExact | uniqExactState | 1600003 | 100000 | 59.23 |
uniq | uniqState | 200804 | 100315 | 85.55 |
uniqCombined | uniqCombinedState | 98505 | 100314 | 108.09 |
uniqCombined(12) | uniqCombinedState(12) | 3291 | 98160 | 151.64 |
uniqCombined(15) | uniqCombinedState(15) | 24783 | 100768 | 110.18 |
uniqCombined(18) | uniqCombinedState(18) | 196805 | 100332 | 101.56 |
uniqCombined(20) | uniqCombinedState(20) | 786621 | 100088 | 65.05 |
uniqCombined64(12) | uniqCombined64State(12) | 3291 | 98160 | 164.96 |
uniqCombined64(15) | uniqCombined64State(15) | 24783 | 100768 | 133.96 |
uniqCombined64(18) | uniqCombined64State(18) | 196805 | 100332 | 110.85 |
uniqCombined64(20) | uniqCombined64State(20) | 786621 | 100088 | 66.48 |
uniqHLL12 | uniqHLL12State | 2651 | 101344 | 177.91 |
uniqTheta | uniqThetaState | 32795 | 98045 | 144.05 |
uniqUpTo(100) | uniqUpToState(100) | 1 | 101 | 222.93 |
Stats collected via script below on 22.2
funcname=( "uniqExact" "uniq" "uniqCombined" "uniqCombined(12)" "uniqCombined(15)" "uniqCombined(18)" "uniqCombined(20)" "uniqCombined64(12)" "uniqCombined64(15)" "uniqCombined64(18)" "uniqCombined64(20)" "uniqHLL12" "uniqTheta" "uniqUpTo(100)")
funcname2=( "uniqExactState" "uniqState" "uniqCombinedState" "uniqCombinedState(12)" "uniqCombinedState(15)" "uniqCombinedState(18)" "uniqCombinedState(20)" "uniqCombined64State(12)" "uniqCombined64State(15)" "uniqCombined64State(18)" "uniqCombined64State(20)" "uniqHLL12State" "uniqThetaState" "uniqUpToState(100)")
for (( j=0; j<length; j++ ));
size=$( clickhouse-client -q "select ${f2}(toString(number)) from numbers_mt(100000) FORMAT RowBinary" | wc -c )
result="$( clickhouse-client -q "select ${f1}(toString(number)) from numbers_mt(100000)" )"
time=$( rm /tmp/clickhouse-benchmark.json; echo "select ${f1}(toString(number)) from numbers_mt(100000)" | clickhouse-benchmark -i200 --json=/tmp/clickhouse-benchmark.json &>/dev/null; cat /tmp/clickhouse-benchmark.json | grep QPS )
printf "|%s|%s,%s,%s,%s\n" "$f1" "$f2" "$size" "$result" "$time"
Use Roaring Bitmaps underneath. Return amount of uniq values.
Can be used with Int* types Works really great when your values quite similar. (Low memory usage / state size)
Example with blockchain data, block_number is monotonically increasing number.
SELECT groupBitmap(block_number) FROM blockchain;
│ 48478157 │
MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 64.44 MiB.
1 row in set. Elapsed: 32.044 sec. Processed 4.77 billion rows, 38.14 GB (148.77 million rows/s., 1.19 GB/s.)
SELECT uniqExact(block_number) FROM blockchain;
│ 48478157 │
MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 4.27 GiB.
1 row in set. Elapsed: 70.058 sec. Processed 4.77 billion rows, 38.14 GB (68.05 million rows/s., 544.38 MB/s.)