How to change ORDER BY
Create a new table and copy data through an intermediate table. Step by step procedure.
We want to add column3
to the ORDER BY in this table:
CREATE TABLE example_table
date Date,
column1 String,
column2 String,
column3 String,
column4 String
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{shard}/default/example_table', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (column1, column2)
Stop publishing/INSERT into
.Rename table example_table to example_table_old
Create the new table with the old name. This will preserve all dependencies like materialized views.
CREATE TABLE example_table as example_table_old
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{shard}/default/example_table_new', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (column1, column2, column3)
Copy data from
a. Use this query to generate a list of INSERT statements
-- old Clickhouse versions before a support of `where _partition_id` select concat('insert into example_table_temp select * from example_table_old where toYYYYMM(date)=',partition) as cmd, database, table, partition, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), count() from where database='default' and table='example_table_old' group by database, table, partition order by partition -- newer Clickhouse versions with a support of `where _partition_id` select concat('insert into example_table_temp select * from ', table,' where _partition_id = \'',partition_id, '\';') as cmd, database, table, partition, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), count() from where database='default' and table='example_table_old' group by database, table, partition_id, partition order by partition_id
b. Create an intermediate table
CREATE TABLE example_table_temp as example_table_old ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (column1, column2, column3)
c. Run the queries one by one
After each query compare the number of rows in both tables. If the INSERT statement was interrupted and failed to copy data, drop the partition in
and repeat the INSERT. If a partition was copied successfully, proceed to the next partition.Here is a query to compare the tables:
select database, table, partition, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), count() from where database='default' and table like 'example_table%' group by database, table, partition order by partition
Attach data from the intermediate table to
a. Use this query to generate a list of ATTACH statements
select concat('alter table example_table attach partition id ''',partition,''' from example_table_temp') as cmd, database, table, partition, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), count() from where database='default' and table='example_table_temp' group by database, table, partition order by partition
b. Run the queries one by one
Here is a query to compare the tables:
select hostName(), database, table, partition, sum(rows), sum(bytes_on_disk), count() from clusterAllReplicas('my-cluster', where database='default' and table like 'example_table%' group by hostName(), database, table, partition order by partition