JSONAsString and Mat. View as JSON parser
Tables with engine Null don’t store data but can be used as a source for materialized views.
JSONAsString a special input format which allows to ingest JSONs into a String column. If the input has several JSON objects (comma separated) they will be interpreted as separate rows. JSON can be multiline.
create table entrypoint(J String) Engine=Null;
create table datastore(a String, i Int64, f Float64) Engine=MergeTree order by a;
create materialized view jsonConverter to datastore
as select (JSONExtract(J, 'Tuple(String,Tuple(Int64,Float64))') as x),
x.1 as a,
x.2.1 as i,
x.2.2 as f
from entrypoint;
$ echo '{"s": "val1", "b2": {"i": 42, "f": 0.1}}' | \
clickhouse-client -q "insert into entrypoint format JSONAsString"
$ echo '{"s": "val1","b2": {"i": 33, "f": 0.2}},{"s": "val1","b2": {"i": 34, "f": 0.2}}' | \
clickhouse-client -q "insert into entrypoint format JSONAsString"
SELECT * FROM datastore;
│ val1 │ 42 │ 0.1 │
│ val1 │ 33 │ 0.2 │
│ val1 │ 34 │ 0.2 │