ClickHouse® Projections

Using this ClickHouse feature to optimize queries

Projections in ClickHouse act as inner tables within a main table, functioning as a mechanism to optimize queries by using these inner tables when only specific columns are needed. Essentially, a projection is similar to a Materialized View with an AggregatingMergeTree engine , designed to be automatically populated with relevant data.

However, too many projections can lead to excess storage, much like overusing Materialized Views. Projections share the same lifecycle as the main table, meaning they are automatically backfilled and don’t require query rewrites, which is particularly advantageous when integrating with BI tools.

Projection parts are stored within the main table parts, and their merges occur simultaneously as the main table merges, ensuring data consistency without additional maintenance.

Why is a ClickHouse projection not used?

A query analyzer should have a reason for using projection.

  • the query should use ONLY the columns defined in the projection.
  • for ORDER BY projection WHERE statement referring to a column should be in the query
  • FINAL queries do not work with projections.
  • Projection is used only if it is cheaper to read from it than from the table.
  • Projection should be materialized. Verify that all parts have the needed projection by looking into the, projections column.
  • If there are many projections per table, the analyzer can select any of them. If you think that it is better, use settings preferred_optimize_projection_name or force_optimize_projection_name
  • If expressions are used instead of plain column names, the query should use the exact expression as defined in the projection with the same functions and modifiers. Use column aliases to make the query the very same as in the projection definition:
    a Int64,
    ts DateTime,
    week alias toStartOfWeek(ts),
    PROJECTION weekly_projection
        SELECT week, sum(a) group by week
ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY a;

insert into test
select number, now()-number*100
from numbers(1e7);

--explain indexes=1
select week, sum(a) from test group by week
settings force_optimize_projection=1;

Explain result: ReadFromMergeTree (weekly_projection)

Expression ((Project names + Projection))
      ReadFromMergeTree (weekly_projection)
          Condition: true
          Parts: 9/9
          Granules: 9/1223

Recalculate on Merge

What happens in the case of non-trivial background merges in ReplacingMergeTree, AggregatingMergeTree and similar, and OPTIMIZE table DEDUPLICATE queries?

  • Before version 24.8, projections became out of sync with the main data.
  • Since version 24.8, it is controlled by a new table-level setting:
    deduplicate_merge_projection_mode = throw/drop/rebuild

However, projection usage is still disabled for FINAL queries. So, you have to use OPTIMIZE FINAL or SELECT …GROUP BY instead of FINAL for fighting duplicates between parts

CREATE TABLE users (uid Int16, name String, version Int16,
  projection xx (
     select name,uid,version order by name
) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree order by uid
settings deduplicate_merge_projection_mode='rebuild'

    number AS uid,
    concat('User_', toString(uid)) AS name,
    1 AS version  
FROM numbers(100000);

    number AS uid,
    concat('User_', toString(uid)) AS name,
    2 AS version  
FROM numbers(100000);

SELECT 'duplicate',name,uid,version FROM users 
where name ='User_98304' 
settings force_optimize_projection=1 ;

SELECT 'dedup by group by/limit 1 by',name,uid,version FROM users 
where name ='User_98304' 
order by version DESC
limit 1 by uid
settings force_optimize_projection=1

optimize table users final ;

SELECT 'dedup after optimize',name,uid,version FROM users 
where name ='User_98304' 
settings force_optimize_projection=1 ;

Lightweight DELETEs with projections

By default, DELETE does not work for tables with projections. This is because rows in a projection may be affected by a DELETE operation. But there is a MergeTree setting lightweight_mutation_projection_mode to change the behavior (Since 24.7)

System tables

  • system.projection_parts
  • system.projection_parts_columns
    formatReadableSize(sum(data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed,
    formatReadableSize(sum(data_uncompressed_bytes) AS usize) AS uncompressed,
    round(usize / size, 2) AS compr_rate,
    sum(rows) AS rows,
    count() AS part_count
FROM system.projection_parts
WHERE active

how to receive list of tables with projections?

select database, table from system.tables
where create_table_query ilike '%projection%'
  and database <> 'system'


Aggregating ClickHouse projections

create table z(Browser String, Country UInt8, F Float64)
order by Browser;

insert into z
     select toString(number%9999),
     number%33, 1
from numbers(100000000);

select sum(F), Browser
from z
group by Browser format Null;
Elapsed: 0.205 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows

select sum(F), Browser, Country
from z
group by Browser,Country format Null;
Elapsed: 0.381 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows

select sum(F),count(), Browser, Country
from z
group by Browser,Country format Null;
Elapsed: 0.398 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows

alter table z add projection pp
   (select Browser,Country, count(), sum(F)
    group by Browser,Country);
alter table z materialize projection pp;

---- 0 = don't use proj, 1 = use projection
set allow_experimental_projection_optimization=1;

select sum(F), Browser
from z
group by Browser format Null;
Elapsed: 0.003 sec. Processed 22.43 thousand rows

select sum(F), Browser, Country
from z
group by Browser,Country format Null;
Elapsed: 0.004 sec. Processed 22.43 thousand rows

select sum(F),count(), Browser, Country
from z
group by Browser,Country format Null;
Elapsed: 0.005 sec. Processed 22.43 thousand rows

Emulation of an inverted index using orderby projection

You can create an orderby projection and include all columns of a table, but if a table is very wide it will double the amount of stored data. This example demonstrate a trick, we create an orderby projection and include primary key columns and the target column and sort by the target column. This allows using subquery to find primary key values and after that to query the table using the primary key.

    `src` String,
    `dst` String,
    `other_cols` String,
        ORDER BY dst
ENGINE = MergeTree

insert into test_a select number, -number, 'other_col '||toString(number) from numbers(1e8);

select * from test_a where src='42';
 42   -42  other_col 42 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. Processed 16.38 thousand rows, 988.49 KB (3.14 million rows/s., 189.43 MB/s.)

select * from test_a where dst='-42';
 42   -42  other_col 42 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.625 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 1.79 GB (160.05 million rows/s., 2.86 GB/s.)

-- optimization using projection
select * from test_a where src in (select src from test_a where dst='-42') and dst='-42';
 42   -42  other_col 42 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.013 sec. Processed 32.77 thousand rows, 660.75 KB (2.54 million rows/s., 51.26 MB/s.)

Elapsed: 0.625 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows – not optimized


Elapsed: 0.013 sec. Processed 32.77 thousand rows – optimized

Last modified 2025.03.05: SEO updates, cross-links (886fe71)