Multiple aligned date columns in PARTITION BY expression
How to put multiple correlated date-like columns in partition key without generating a lot of partitions in case not exact match between them.
Alternative to doing that by minmax skip index .
CREATE TABLE part_key_multiple_dates
`key` UInt32,
`date` Date,
`time` DateTime,
`created_at` DateTime,
`inserted_at` DateTime
ENGINE = MergeTree
PARTITION BY (toYYYYMM(date), ignore(created_at, inserted_at))
ORDER BY (key, time);
INSERT INTO part_key_multiple_dates SELECT
now() + intDiv(number, 10) AS x,
x - (rand() % 100),
x + (rand() % 100)
FROM numbers(100000000);
SELECT count()
FROM part_key_multiple_dates
WHERE date > (now() + toIntervalDay(105));
│ 8434210 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.022 sec. Processed 11.03 million rows, 22.05 MB (501.94 million rows/s., 1.00 GB/s.)
SELECT count()
FROM part_key_multiple_dates
WHERE inserted_at > (now() + toIntervalDay(105));
│ 9279818 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.046 sec. Processed 11.03 million rows, 44.10 MB (237.64 million rows/s., 950.57 MB/s.)
SELECT count()
FROM part_key_multiple_dates
WHERE created_at > (now() + toIntervalDay(105));
│ 9279139 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.043 sec. Processed 11.03 million rows, 44.10 MB (258.22 million rows/s., 1.03 GB/s.)