JSONExtract to parse many attributes at a time

Don’t use several JSONExtract for parsing big JSON. It’s very ineffective, slow, and consumes CPU. Try to use one JSONExtract to parse String to Tupes and next get the needed elements:

WITH JSONExtract(json, 'Tuple(name String, id String, resources Nested(description String, format String, tracking_summary Tuple(total UInt32, recent UInt32)), extras Nested(key String, value String))') AS parsed_json
    tupleElement(parsed_json, 'name') AS name,
    tupleElement(parsed_json, 'id') AS id,
    tupleElement(tupleElement(parsed_json, 'resources'), 'description') AS `resources.description`,
    tupleElement(tupleElement(parsed_json, 'resources'), 'format') AS `resources.format`,
    tupleElement(tupleElement(tupleElement(parsed_json, 'resources'), 'tracking_summary'), 'total') AS `resources.tracking_summary.total`,
    tupleElement(tupleElement(tupleElement(parsed_json, 'resources'), 'tracking_summary'), 'recent') AS `resources.tracking_summary.recent`
FROM url('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jsonlines/guide/master/datagov100.json', 'JSONAsString', 'json String')

However, such parsing requires static schema - all keys should be presented in every row, or you will get an empty structure. More dynamic parsing requires several JSONExtract invocations, but still - try not to scan the same data several times:

with $${
   "timestamp": "2024-06-12T14:30:00.001Z",
   "functionality": "DOCUMENT",
   "flowId": "210abdee-6de5-474a-83da-748def0facc1",
   "step": "BEGIN",
   "env": "dev",
   "successful": true,
   "data": {
       "action": "initiate_view",
       "client_ip": ""
}$$ as json, 
  JSONExtractKeysAndValues(json,'String') as m,
  mapFromArrays(m.1, m.2) as p
select extractKeyValuePairs(p['data'])['action'] as data ,
  p['successful']='true' as successful
format Vertical