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Learn about ClickHouse® engines, from MergeTree, Atomic Database to RocksDB.

Generally: the main engine in ClickHouse® is called MergeTree . It allows to store and process data on one server and feel all the advantages of ClickHouse. Basic usage of MergeTree does not require any special configuration, and you can start using it ‘out of the box’.

But one server and one copy of data are not fault-tolerant - something can happen with the server itself, with datacenter availability, etc. So you need to have the replica(s) - i.e. server(s) with the same data and which can ‘substitute’ the original server at any moment.

To have an extra copy (replica) of your data you need to use ReplicatedMergeTree engine. It can be used instead of MergeTree engine, and you can always upgrade from MergeTree to ReplicatedMergeTree (and downgrade back) if you need. To use that you need to have ZooKeeper installed and running. For tests, you can use one standalone Zookeeper instance, but for production usage, you should have zookeeper ensemble at least of 3 servers.

When you use ReplicatedMergeTree then the inserted data is copied automatically to all the replicas, but all the SELECTs are executed on the single server you have connected to. So you can have 5 replicas of your data, but if you will always connect to one replica - it will not ‘share’ / ‘balance’ that traffic automatically between all the replicas, one server will be loaded and the rest will generally do nothing. If you need that balancing of load between multiple replicas - you can use the internal ’loadbalancer’ mechanism which is provided by Distributed engine of ClickHouse. As an alternative in that scenario you can work without Distributed table , but with some external load balancer that will balance the requests between several replicas according to your specific rules or preferences, or just cluster-aware client which will pick one of the servers for the query time.

The Distributed engine does not store any data, but it can ‘point’ to the same ReplicatedMergeTree/MergeTree table on multiple servers. To use Distributed engine you need to configure <cluster> settings in your ClickHouse server config file.

So let’s say you have 3 replicas of table my_replicated_data with ReplicatedMergeTree engine. You can create a table with Distributed engine called my_distributed_replicated_data which will ‘point’ to all of that 3 servers, and when you will select from that my_distributed_replicated_data table the select will be forwarded and executed on one of the replicas. So in that scenario, each replica will get 1/3 of requests (but each request still will be fully executed on one chosen replica).

All that is great, and will work well while one copy of your data is fitting on a single physical server, and can be processed by the resources of one server. When you have too much data to be stored/processed on one server - you need to use sharding (it’s just a way to split the data into smaller parts). Sharding is the mechanism also provided by Distributed engine.

With sharding data is divided into parts (shards) according to some sharding key. You can just use random distribution, so let’s say - throw a coin to decide on each of the servers the data should be stored, or you can use some ‘smarter’ sharding scheme, to make the data connected to the same subject (let’s say to the same customer) stored on one server, and to another subject on another. So in that case all the shards should be requested at the same time and later the ‘common’ result should be calculated.

In ClickHouse each shard works independently and process its part of data, inside each shard replication can work. And later to query all the shards at the same time and combine the final result - Distributed engine is used. So Distributed work as load balancer inside each shard, and can combine the data coming from different shards together to make the ‘common’ result.

You can use Distributed table for inserts, in that case, it will pass the data to one of the shards according to the sharding key. Or you can insert to the underlying table on one of the shards bypassing the Distributed table.

Short summary

  1. start with MergeTree
  2. to have several copies of data use ReplicatedMergeTree
  3. if your data is too big to fit/ to process on one server - use sharding
  4. to balance the load between replicas and to combine the result of selects from different shards - use Distributed table .


Please check @alex-zaitsev presentation, which covers that subject: ( Slides are here: )

P.S. Actually you can create replication without Zookeeper and ReplicatedMergeTree, just by using the Distributed table above MergeTree and internal_replication=false cluster setting, but in that case, there will be no guarantee that all the replicas will have 100% the same data, so I rather would not recommend that scenario.

See also: ReplacingMergeTree does not collapse duplicates

Based on my original answer on github:

1 - Atomic Database Engine

Atomic Database Engine

In version 20.5 ClickHouse® first introduced database engine=Atomic.

Since version 20.10 it is a default database engine (before engine=Ordinary was used).

Those 2 database engine differs in a way how they store data on a filesystem, and engine Atomic allows to resolve some of the issues existed in engine=Ordinary.

engine=Atomic supports

  • non-blocking drop table / rename table
  • tables delete (&detach) async (wait for selects finish but invisible for new selects)
  • atomic drop table (all files / folders removed)
  • atomic table swap (table swap by “EXCHANGE TABLES t1 AND t2;”)
  • rename dictionary / rename database
  • unique automatic UUID paths in FS and ZK for Replicated


Q. Data is not removed immediately


Or use parameter (user level) database_atomic_wait_for_drop_and_detach_synchronously:

SET database_atomic_wait_for_drop_and_detach_synchronously = 1;

Also, you can decrease the delay used by Atomic for real table drop (it’s 8 minutes by default)

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/database_atomic_delay_before_drop_table.xml

Q. I cannot reuse zookeeper path after dropping the table.

A. This happens because real table deletion occurs with a controlled delay. See the previous question to remove the table immediately.

With engine=Atomic it’s possible (and is a good practice if you do it correctly) to include UUID into zookeeper path, i.e. :

ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{uuid}/{shard}/', '{replica}')

See also:

It’s very important that the table will have the same UUID cluster-wide.

When the table is created using ON CLUSTER - all tables will get the same UUID automatically. When it needs to be done manually (for example - you need to add one more replica), pick CREATE TABLE statement with UUID from one of the existing replicas.

set show_table_uuid_in_table_create_qquery_if_not_nil=1 ;
SHOW CREATE TABLE xxx; /* or SELECT create_table_query FROM system.tables WHERE ... */

Q. Should I use Atomic or Ordinary for new setups?

All things inside ClickHouse itself should work smoothly with Atomic.

But some external tools - backup tools, things involving other kinds of direct manipulations with ClickHouse files & folders may have issues with Atomic.

Ordinary layout on the filesystem is simpler. And the issues which address Atomic (lock-free renames, drops, atomic exchange of table) are not so critical in most cases.

filesystem layoutvery simplemore complicated
external tool support
(like clickhouse-backup)
good / maturelimited / beta

some DDL queries (DROP / RENAME) may

hang for a long time (waiting for some other things)

yes 👎no 👍
Possibility to swap 2 tables

a to a_old,
b to a,

a_old to b;

Operation is not atomic, and
can break in the middle (while chances are low).


Atomic, have no intermediate states.

uuid in zookeeper path

Not possible to use.

The typical pattern is to add version suffix to zookeeper path when you need to create
the new version of the same table.

You can use uuid in zookeeper paths.
That requires some extra care when you expand the cluster, and makes zookeeper paths harder to map to real table.

But allows to to do any kind of manipulations on tables (rename, recreate with same name etc).

Materialized view without TO syntax

(!we recommend using TO syntax always!)


The name is predictable, easy to match with MV.


The name is unpredictable, hard to match with MV (maybe problematic for MV chains, and similar scenarios)

Using Ordinary by default instead of Atomic

title: "cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/disable_atomic_database.xml "
linkTitle: "cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/disable_atomic_database.xml "
description: >
    cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/disable_atomic_database.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Other sources


1.1 - How to Convert Ordinary to Atomic

New, official way

  • Implemented automatic conversion of database engine from Ordinary to Atomic (ClickHouse® Server 22.8+). Create empty convert_ordinary_to_atomic file in flags directory and all Ordinary databases will be converted automatically on next server start.
  • The conversion is not automatic between upgrades, you need to set the flag as explained below:
 * Server has databases (for example `test`) with Ordinary engine, which was deprecated. To convert this database to the new Atomic engine, create a flag /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic and make sure that ClickHouse has write permission for it.
Example: sudo touch '/var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic' && sudo chmod 666 '/var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic'

More detailed info here

Don’t forget to remove detached parts from all Ordinary databases, or you can get the error:

│ 2025.01.28 11:34:57.510330 [ 7 ] {} <Error> Application: Code: 219. DB::Exception: Cannot drop: filesystem error: in remove: Directory not empty ["/var/lib/clickhouse/data/db/"]. Probably data │
│ base contain some detached tables or metadata leftovers from Ordinary engine. If you want to remove all data anyway, try to attach database back and drop it again with enabled force_remove_data_recursively_ │

1.2 - How to Convert Atomic to Ordinary

How to Convert Atomic to Ordinary

The following instructions are an example on how to convert a database with the Engine type Atomic to a database with the Engine type Ordinary.

CREATE DATABASE atomic_db ENGINE = Atomic;
CREATE DATABASE ordinary_db ENGINE = Ordinary;
CREATE TABLE atomic_db.x ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() AS system.numbers;
INSERT INTO atomic_db.x SELECT number FROM numbers(100000);
RENAME TABLE atomic_db.x TO ordinary_db.x;
ls -1 /var/lib/clickhouse/data/ordinary_db/x
DROP DATABASE atomic_db;
DETACH DATABASE ordinary_db;
mv /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/ordinary_db.sql /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db.sql
vi /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db.sql
mv /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/ordinary_db /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db
mv /var/lib/clickhouse/data/ordinary_db /var/lib/clickhouse/data/atomic_db
SELECT count() FROM atomic_db.x
ENGINE = Ordinary 

Schemas with Materialized VIEW


CREATE DATABASE atomic_db engine=Atomic;
CREATE DATABASE ordinary_db engine=Ordinary;

CREATE TABLE atomic_db.x ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() AS system.numbers;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW atomic_db.x_mv ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() AS SELECT * FROM atomic_db.x;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW atomic_db.y_mv ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() AS SELECT * FROM atomic_db.x;
CREATE TABLE atomic_db.z ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() AS system.numbers;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW atomic_db.z_mv TO atomic_db.z AS SELECT * FROM atomic_db.x;

INSERT INTO atomic_db.x SELECT * FROM numbers(100);

--- USE atomic_db;
--- Query id: 28af886d-a339-4e9c-979c-8bdcfb32fd95
--- ┌─name───────────────────────────────────────────┐
--- │ .inner_id.b7906fec-f4b2-455b-bf9b-2b18ca64842c │
--- │ .inner_id.bd32d79b-272d-4710-b5ad-bca78d09782f │
--- │ x                                              │
--- │ x_mv                                           │
--- │ y_mv                                           │
--- │ z                                              │
--- │ z_mv                                           │
--- └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

SELECT mv_storage.database,, mv.database,
FROM system.tables AS mv_storage
LEFT JOIN system.tables AS mv ON substring(, 11) = toString(mv.uuid)
WHERE LIKE '.inner_id.%' AND mv_storage.database = 'atomic_db';

-- ┌─database──┬─name───────────────────────────────────────────┬─mv.database─┬──┐
-- │ atomic_db │ .inner_id.81e1a67d-3d02-4b2a-be17-84d8626d2328 │ atomic_db   │ y_mv    │
-- │ atomic_db │ .inner_id.e428225c-982a-4859-919b-ba5026db101d │ atomic_db   │ x_mv    │
-- └───────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────┴─────────┘

/* STEP 1: prepare rename statements, also to rename implicit mv storage table to explicit one */

if( LIKE '.inner_id.%',
  'RENAME TABLE `' || t.database || '`.`' || || '` TO `ordinary_db`.`' || || '_storage`;',
   'RENAME TABLE `' || t.database || '`.`' || || '` TO `ordinary_db`.`' || || '`;'
FROM system.tables as t
LEFT JOIN system.tables mv ON (substring(,11) = toString(mv.uuid) AND t.database =  mv.database )
WHERE t.database = 'atomic_db' AND t.engine <> 'MaterializedView'

-- RENAME TABLE `atomic_db`.`.inner_id.b7906fec-f4b2-455b-bf9b-2b18ca64842c` TO `ordinary_db`.`y_mv_storage`;
-- RENAME TABLE `atomic_db`.`.inner_id.bd32d79b-272d-4710-b5ad-bca78d09782f` TO `ordinary_db`.`x_mv_storage`;
-- RENAME TABLE `atomic_db`.`x` TO `ordinary_db`.`x`;
-- RENAME TABLE `atomic_db`.`z` TO `ordinary_db`.`z`;

/* STEP 2: prepare statements to reattach MV */
-- Can be done manually: pick existing MV definition (SHOW CREATE TABLE), and change it in the following way:
-- 1) add TO keyword 2) remove column names and engine settings after mv name

if( LIKE '.inner_id.%',
   replaceRegexpOne(mv.create_table_query, '^CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ([^ ]+) (.*? AS ', 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW \\1 TO \\1_storage AS '),
FROM system.tables as mv
LEFT JOIN system.tables t ON (substring(,11) = toString(mv.uuid) AND t.database =  mv.database)
WHERE mv.database = 'atomic_db' AND mv.engine='MaterializedView'

-- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW atomic_db.x_mv TO atomic_db.x_mv_storage AS SELECT * FROM atomic_db.x
-- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW atomic_db.y_mv TO atomic_db.y_mv_storage AS SELECT * FROM atomic_db.x

/* STEP 3: stop inserts, fire renames statements prepared at the step 1 (hint: use clickhouse-client -mn) */


/* STEP 4: ensure that only MaterializedView left in source db, and drop it.  */

SELECT * FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'atomic_db' and engine <> 'MaterializedView';
DROP DATABASE atomic_db;

/* STEP 4. rename table to old name: */

DETACH DATABASE ordinary_db;

-- rename files / folders:

mv /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/ordinary_db.sql /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db.sql
vi /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db.sql
mv /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/ordinary_db /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/atomic_db
mv /var/lib/clickhouse/data/ordinary_db /var/lib/clickhouse/data/atomic_db

-- attach database atomic_db;


/* STEP 5. restore MV using statements created on STEP 2 */

2 - EmbeddedRocksDB & dictionary

EmbeddedRocksDB & dictionary

RocksDB is faster than MergeTree on Key/Value queries because MergeTree primary key index is sparse. Probably it’s possible to speedup MergeTree by reducing index_granularity.

NVMe disk is used for the tests.

The main feature of RocksDB is instant updates. You can update a row instantly (microseconds):

select * from rocksDB where A=15645646;
 15645646  12517841379565221195 
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

insert into rocksDB values (15645646, 'xxxx');
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

select * from rocksDB where A=15645646;
 15645646  xxxx 
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

Let’s load 100 millions rows:

create table rocksDB(A UInt64, B String, primary key A) Engine=EmbeddedRocksDB();
insert into rocksDB select number, toString(cityHash64(number))
from numbers(100000000);

-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 154.559 sec. Processed 100.66 million rows, 805.28 MB (651.27 thousand rows/s., 5.21 MB/s.)
-- Size on disk: 1.5GB

create table mergeTreeDB(A UInt64, B String) Engine=MergeTree() order by A;
insert into mergeTreeDB select number, toString(cityHash64(number))
from numbers(100000000);

Size on disk: 973MB
CREATE DICTIONARY test_rocksDB(A UInt64,B String)
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 TABLE rocksDB DB 'default'
         USER 'default'))

CREATE DICTIONARY test_mergeTreeDB(A UInt64,B String)
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 TABLE mergeTreeDB DB 'default'
         USER 'default'))

Direct queries to tables to request 10000 rows by a random key

select count() from (
select * from rocksDB where A in (select toUInt64(rand64()%100000000)
 from numbers(10000)))
Elapsed: 0.076 sec. Processed 10.00 thousand rows

select count() from (
select * from mergeTreeDB where A in (select toUInt64(rand64()%100000000)
  from numbers(10000)))
Elapsed: 0.202 sec. Processed 55.95 million rows

RocksDB as expected is much faster: 0.076 sec. VS 0.202 sec.

RocksDB processes less rows: 10.00 thousand rows VS 55.95 million rows

dictGet – 100.00 thousand random rows

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_rocksDB', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(100000))
Elapsed: 0.786 sec. Processed 100.00 thousand rows

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_mergeTreeDB', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(100000))
Elapsed: 3.160 sec. Processed 100.00 thousand rows

dictGet – 1million random rows

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_rocksDB', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(1000000))
Elapsed: 5.643 sec. Processed 1.00 million rows

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_mergeTreeDB', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(1000000))
Elapsed: 31.111 sec. Processed 1.00 million rows

dictGet – 1million random rows from Hashed

CREATE DICTIONARY test_mergeTreeDBHashed(A UInt64,B String)
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 TABLE mergeTreeDB DB 'default'
         USER 'default'))

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 46.564 sec.

 test_mergeTreeDBHashed  Hashed  LOADED      100000000  7.87 GiB 

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_mergeTreeDBHashed', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(1000000))
Elapsed: 0.079 sec. Processed 1.00 million rows

dictGet – 1million random rows from SparseHashed

CREATE DICTIONARY test_mergeTreeDBSparseHashed(A UInt64,B String)
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 TABLE mergeTreeDB DB 'default'
         USER 'default'))
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 81.404 sec.

 test_mergeTreeDBSparseHashed  SparseHashed  LOADED      100000000  4.24 GiB 

select count() from (
   select dictGet( 'default.test_mergeTreeDBSparseHashed', 'B', toUInt64(rand64()%100000000) )
   from numbers_mt(1000000))

Elapsed: 0.065 sec. Processed 1.00 million rows

3.1 - CollapsingMergeTree vs ReplacingMergeTree

CollapsingMergeTree vs ReplacingMergeTree

+ very easy to use (always replace)- more complex (accounting-alike, put ‘rollback’ records to fix something)
+ you don’t need to store the previous state of the row- you need to the store (somewhere) the previous state of the row, OR extract it from the table itself (point queries is not nice for ClickHouse®)
- no deletes+ support deletes
- w/o FINAL - you can can always see duplicates, you need always to ‘pay’ FINAL performance penalty+ properly crafted query can give correct results without final (i.e. sum(amount * sign) will be correct, no matter of you have duplicated or not)
- only uniq()-alike things can be calculated in materialized views+ you can do basic counts & sums in materialized views

3.2 - Part names & MVCC

Part names & multiversion concurrency control.

Part names & multiversion concurrency control

Part name format is:

<partitionid>_<min_block_number>_<max_block_number>_<level>_<data_version> contains all the information parsed.

partitionid is quite simple (it just comes from your partitioning key).

What are block_numbers?

create table part_names (date Date, n UInt8, m UInt8) engine=MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY n;

insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);
select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;
│ 202203_1_1_0 │ 202203       │                1 │                1 │     0 │            1 │

insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);
select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;
│ 202203_1_1_0 │ 202203       │                1 │                1 │     0 │            1 │
│ 202203_2_2_0 │ 202203       │                2 │                2 │     0 │            2 │

insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);
select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;
│ 202203_1_1_0 │ 202203       │                1 │                1 │     0 │            1 │
│ 202203_2_2_0 │ 202203       │                2 │                2 │     0 │            2 │
│ 202203_3_3_0 │ 202203       │                3 │                3 │     0 │            3 │

As you can see every insert creates a new incremental block_number which is written in part names both as <min_block_number> and <min_block_number> (and the level is 0 meaning that the part was never merged).

Those block numbering works in the scope of partition (for Replicated table) or globally across all partition (for plain MergeTree table).

ClickHouse® always merge only continuous blocks . And new part names always refer to the minimum and maximum block numbers.

OPTIMIZE TABLE part_names;

│ 202203_1_3_1 │ 202203       │                1 │                3 │     1 │            1 │

As you can see here - three parts (with block number 1,2,3) were merged and they formed the new part with name 1_3 as min/max block size. Level get incremented.

Now even while previous (merged) parts still exists in filesystem for a while (as inactive) ClickHouse is smart enough to understand that new part ‘covers’ same range of blocks as 3 parts of the prev ‘generation’

There might be a fifth section in the part name, data version.

Data version gets increased when a part mutates.

Every mutation takes one block number:

insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);
insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);
insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);

select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;

│ 202203_1_3_1 │ 202203       │                1 │                3 │     1 │            1 │
│ 202203_4_4_0 │ 202203       │                4 │                4 │     0 │            4 │
│ 202203_5_5_0 │ 202203       │                5 │                5 │     0 │            5 │
│ 202203_6_6_0 │ 202203       │                6 │                6 │     0 │            6 │

insert into part_names VALUES (now(), 0, 0);

alter table part_names update m=n where 1;

select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;

│ 202203_1_3_1_7 │ 202203       │                1 │                3 │     1 │            7 │
│ 202203_4_4_0_7 │ 202203       │                4 │                4 │     0 │            7 │
│ 202203_5_5_0_7 │ 202203       │                5 │                5 │     0 │            7 │
│ 202203_6_6_0_7 │ 202203       │                6 │                6 │     0 │            7 │
│ 202203_8_8_0   │ 202203       │                8 │                8 │     0 │            8 │

OPTIMIZE TABLE part_names;

select name, partition_id, min_block_number, max_block_number, level, data_version from where table = 'part_names' and active;
│ 202203_1_8_2_7 │ 202203       │                1 │                8 │     2 │            7 │

3.3 - How to pick an ORDER BY / PRIMARY KEY / PARTITION BY for the MergeTree family table

Optimizing ClickHouse® MergeTree tables

Good order by usually have 3 to 5 columns, from lowest cardinal on the left (and the most important for filtering) to highest cardinal (and less important for filtering).

Practical approach to create an good ORDER BY for a table:

  1. Pick the columns you use in filtering always
  2. The most important for filtering and the lowest cardinal should be the left-most. Typically it’s something like tenant_id
  3. Next column is more cardinal, less important. It can be rounded time sometimes, or site_id, or source_id, or group_id or something similar.
  4. Repeat step 3 once again (or a few times)
  5. If you already added all columns important for filtering and you’re still not addressing a single row with your pk - you can add more columns which can help to put similar records close to each other (to improve the compression)
  6. If you have something like hierarchy / tree-like relations between the columns - put there the records from ‘root’ to ’leaves’ for example (continent, country, cityname). This way ClickHouse® can do lookup by country / city even if continent is not specified (it will just ‘check all continents’) special variants of MergeTree may require special ORDER BY to make the record unique etc.
  7. For timeseries it usually make sense to put timestamp as latest column in ORDER BY, it helps with putting the same data near by for better locality. There is only 2 major patterns for timestamps in ORDER BY: (…, toStartOf(Day|Hour|…)(timestamp), …, timestamp) and (…, timestamp). First one is useful when your often query small part of table partition. (table partitioned by months and your read only 1-4 days 90% of times)

Some examples of good ORDER BY:

ORDER BY (tenantid, site_id, utm_source, clientid, timestamp)
ORDER BY (site_id, toStartOfHour(timestamp), sessionid, timestamp )
PRIMARY KEY (site_id, toStartOfHour(timestamp), sessionid)

(FWIW, the Altinity blog has a great article on the LowCardinality datatype .)

For Summing / Aggregating

All dimensions go to ORDER BY, all metrics - outside of that.

The most important for filtering columns with the lowest cardinality should be the left most.

If number of dimensions is high it’s typically make sense to use a prefix of ORDER BY as a PRIMARY KEY to avoid polluting sparse index.


ORDER BY (tenant_id, hour, country_code, team_id, group_id, source_id)
PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, hour, country_code, team_id)

For Replacing / Collapsing

You need to keep all ‘mutable’ columns outside of ORDER BY, and have some unique id (a base to collapse duplicates) inside. Typically the right-most column is some row identifier. And it’s often not needed in sparse index (so PRIMARY KEY can be a prefix of ORDER BY) The rest consideration are the same.


ORDER BY (tenantid, site_id, eventid) --  utm_source is mutable, while tenantid, site_id is not
PRIMARY KEY (tenantid, site_id) -- eventid is not used for filtering, needed only for collapsing duplicates

ORDER BY example

-- col1: high Cardinality
-- col2: low cardinality

CREATE TABLE tests.order_test
     `col1` DateTime,    
     `col2` UInt8
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (col1, col2)
SELECT count() 

So let’s put the highest cardinal column to the left and the least to the right in the ORDER BY definition. This will impact in queries like:

SELECT * FROM order_test
WHERE col1 > toDateTime('2020-10-01')
ORDER BY col1, col2

Here for the filtering it will use the skipping index to select the parts WHERE col1 > xxx and the result won’t be need to be ordered because the ORDER BY in the query aligns with the ORDER BY in the table and the data is already ordered in disk. (FWIW, Alexander Zaitsev and Mikhail Filimonov wrote a great post on skipping indexes and how they work for the Altinity blog.)

executeQuery: (from [::ffff:]:39428, user: admin) SELECT * FROM order_test WHERE col1 > toDateTime('2020-10-01') ORDER BY col1,col2 FORMAT Null; (stage: Complete)
ContextAccess (admin): Access granted: SELECT(col1, col2) ON tests.order_test
ContextAccess (admin): Access granted: SELECT(col1, col2) ON tests.order_test
InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Key condition: (column 0 in [1601503201, +Inf))
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): MinMax index condition: (column 0 in [1601503201, +Inf))
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202010_367_545_8 (7612 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202010_549_729_12 (37 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_689_719_2 (1403 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202012_550_730_12 (3 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 37
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 3
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 1403
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 11 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 3 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_728_728_0 (84 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 21 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_725_725_0 (128 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 84
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_722_722_0 (128 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 13 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 128
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 14 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_370_686_19 (5993 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 5993
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 25 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 128
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 14 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 7612
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 25 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Selected 8/9 parts by partition key, 8 parts by primary key, 15380/15380 marks by primary key, 15380 marks to read from 8 ranges

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.649 sec. Processed 125.97 million rows, 629.86 MB (194.17 million rows/s., 970.84 MB/s.)

If we change the ORDER BY expression in the query, ClickHouse will need to retrieve the rows and reorder them:

SELECT * FROM order_test
WHERE col1 > toDateTime('2020-10-01')
ORDER BY col2, col1

As seen In the MergingSortedTransform message, the ORDER BY in the table definition is not aligned with the ORDER BY in the query, so ClickHouse has to reorder the resultset.

executeQuery: (from [::ffff:]:39428, user: admin) SELECT * FROM order_test WHERE col1 > toDateTime('2020-10-01') ORDER BY col2,col1 FORMAT Null; (stage: Complete)
ContextAccess (admin): Access granted: SELECT(col1, col2) ON tests.order_test
ContextAccess (admin): Access granted: SELECT(col1, col2) ON tests.order_test
InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Key condition: (column 0 in [1601503201, +Inf))
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): MinMax index condition: (column 0 in [1601503201, +Inf))
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202010_367_545_8 (7612 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202012_550_730_12 (3 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_725_725_0 (128 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 3
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_689_719_2 (1403 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202010_549_729_12 (37 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_728_728_0 (84 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 3 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_722_722_0 (128 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 7612
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 37
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 11 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 1403
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 84
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 25 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Running binary search on index range for part 202011_370_686_19 (5993 marks)
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 21 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 128
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 13 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 14 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 128
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (LEFT) boundary mark: 0
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 14 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found (RIGHT) boundary mark: 5993
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Found continuous range in 25 steps
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): Selected 8/9 parts by partition key, 8 parts by primary key, 15380/15380 marks by primary key, 15380 marks to read from 8 ranges
tests.order_test (SelectExecutor): MergingSortedTransform: Merge sorted 1947 blocks, 125972070 rows in 1.423973879 sec., 88465155.05499662 rows/sec., 423.78 MiB/sec

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.424 sec. Processed 125.97 million rows, 629.86 MB (88.46 million rows/s., 442.28 MB/s.)


Things to consider:

  • Good size for single partition is something like 1-300Gb.
  • For Summing/Replacing a bit smaller (400Mb-40Gb)
  • Better to avoid touching more that few dozens of partitions with typical SELECT query.
  • Single insert should bring data to one or few partitions.
  • The number of partitions in table - dozen or hundreds, not thousands.

The size of partitions you can check in table.


-- for time-series:
PARTITION BY toYear(timestamp)          -- long retention, not too much data
PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(timestamp)        --  
PARTITION BY toMonday(timestamp)        -- 
PARTITION BY toDate(timestamp)          --
PARTITION BY toStartOfHour(timestamp)   -- short retention, lot of data

-- for table with some incremental (non time-bounded) counter

PARTITION BY intDiv(transaction_id, 1000000)

-- for some dimention tables (always requested with WHERE userid)
PARTITION BY userid % 16

For the small tables (smaller than few gigabytes) partitioning is usually not needed at all (just skip PARTITION BY expression when you create the table).

See also

3.4 - AggregatingMergeTree


Q. What happens with columns which are nor the part of ORDER BY key, nor have the AggregateFunction type?

A. it picks the first value met, (similar to any)

    `a` String,
    `b` UInt8,
    `c` SimpleAggregateFunction(max, UInt8)
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree

INSERT INTO agg_test VALUES ('a', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO agg_test VALUES ('a', 2, 2);


 a  1  2 

INSERT INTO agg_test VALUES ('a', 3, 3);

SELECT * FROM agg_test;

 a  1  2 
 a  3  3 


SELECT * FROM agg_test;

 a  1  3 

Last non-null value for each column

CREATE TABLE test_last
    `col1` Int32,
    `col2` SimpleAggregateFunction(anyLast, Nullable(DateTime)),
    `col3` SimpleAggregateFunction(anyLast, Nullable(DateTime))
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.

INSERT INTO test_last (col1, col2) VALUES (1, now());


1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec.

INSERT INTO test_last (col1, col3) VALUES (1, now())


1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

FROM test_last

│    1 │ 2020-01-16 20:57:46 │ 2020-01-16 20:57:51 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

FROM test_last

│    1 │ 2020-01-16 20:57:46 │ 2020-01-16 20:57:51 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.

Merge two data streams

Q. I have 2 Kafka topics from which I am storing events into 2 different tables (A and B) having the same unique ID. I want to create a single table that combines the data in tables A and B into one table C. The problem is that data received asynchronously and not all the data is available when a row arrives in Table A or vice-versa.

A. You can use AggregatingMergeTree with Nullable columns and any aggregation function or Non-Nullable column and max aggregation function if it acceptable for your data.

    id      Int64,
    colA    SimpleAggregatingFunction(any,Nullable(UInt32)),
    colB    SimpleAggregatingFunction(max, String)
) ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree()

SELECT id,colA FROM Kafka_A;

SELECT id,colB FROM Kafka_B;

Here is a more complicated example ( from here )

CREATE TABLE states_raw(
    d date,
    uid UInt64,
    first_name String,
    last_name String,
    modification_timestamp_mcs DateTime64(3) default now64(3)
) ENGINE = Null;

CREATE TABLE final_states_by_month(
    d date,
    uid UInt64,
    final_first_name      AggregateFunction(argMax, String, DateTime64(3)),
    final_last_name      AggregateFunction(argMax, String, DateTime64(3)))
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree
ORDER BY (uid, d);

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW final_states_by_month_mv TO final_states_by_month AS
    d, uid,
    argMaxState(first_name, if(first_name<>'', modification_timestamp_mcs, toDateTime64(0,3))) AS final_first_name,
    argMaxState(last_name, if(last_name<>'', modification_timestamp_mcs, toDateTime64(0,3)))   AS final_last_name
FROM states_raw
GROUP BY d, uid;

insert into states_raw(d,uid,first_name) values (today(), 1, 'Tom');
insert into states_raw(d,uid,last_name) values (today(),  1, 'Jones');
insert into states_raw(d,uid,first_name,last_name) values (today(), 2, 'XXX', '');
insert into states_raw(d,uid,first_name,last_name) values (today(), 2, 'YYY', 'YYY');

select uid, argMaxMerge(final_first_name) first_name, argMaxMerge(final_last_name) last_name 
from final_states_by_month group by uid

│   2 │ YYY        │ YYY       │
│   1 │ Tom        │ Jones     │

optimize table final_states_by_month final;

select uid, finalizeAggregation(final_first_name) first_name, finalizeAggregation(final_last_name) last_name 
from final_states_by_month 

│   1 │ Tom        │ Jones     │
│   2 │ YYY        │ YYY       │

3.6 - Merge performance and OPTIMIZE FINAL

Merge Performance

Main things affecting the merge speed are:

  • Schema (especially compression codecs, some bad types, sorting order…)
  • Horizontal vs Vertical merge
    • Horizontal = reads all columns at once, do merge sort, write new part
    • Vertical = first read columns from order by, do merge sort, write them to disk, remember permutation, then process the rest of columns on by one, applying permutation.
  • compact vs wide parts
  • Other things like server load, concurrent merges…
SELECT name, value
FROM system.merge_tree_settings
WHERE name LIKE '%vert%';

 enable_vertical_merge_algorithm                   1      
 vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate     131072
 vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate  11
  • Vertical merge will be used if part has more than 131072 rows and more than 11 columns in the table.
-- Disable Vertical Merges
ALTER TABLE test MODIFY SETTING enable_vertical_merge_algorithm = 0
  • Horizontal merge used by default, will use more memory if there are more than 80 columns in the table


When using deduplicate feature in OPTIMIZE FINAL, the question is which row will remain and won’t be deduped?

For SELECT operations ClickHouse® does not guarantee the order of the resultset unless you specify ORDER BY. This random ordering is affected by different parameters, like for example max_threads.

In a merge operation ClickHouse reads rows sequentially in storage order, which is determined by ORDER BY specified in CREATE TABLE statement, and only the first unique row in that order survives deduplication. So it is a bit different from how SELECT actually works. As FINAL clause is used then ClickHouse will merge all rows across all partitions (If it is not specified then the merge operation will be done per partition), and so the first unique row of the first partition will survive deduplication. Merges are single-threaded because it is too complicated to apply merge ops in-parallel, and it generally makes no sense.

3.7 - Nulls in order by

Nulls in order by
  1. It is NOT RECOMMENDED for a general use
  2. Use on your own risk
  3. Use latest ClickHouse® version if you need that.
    `a` Nullable(UInt32),
    `b` Nullable(UInt32),
    `cnt` UInt32
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
ORDER BY (a, b)
SETTINGS allow_nullable_key = 1;
INSERT INTO x VALUES (Null,2,1), (Null,Null,1), (3, Null, 1), (4,4,1);
INSERT INTO x VALUES (Null,2,1), (Null,Null,1), (3, Null, 1), (4,4,1);
    3   null    2 
    4     4    2 
  null     2    2 
  null   null    2 

3.8 - ReplacingMergeTree


ReplacingMergeTree is a powerful ClickHouse® MergeTree engine. It is one of the techniques that can be used to guarantee unicity or exactly once delivery in ClickHouse.

General Operations

Engine Parameters

Engine = ReplacingMergeTree([version_column],[is_deleted_column])
ORDER BY <list_of_columns>
  • ORDER BY – The ORDER BY defines the columns that need to be unique at merge time. Since merge time can not be decided most of the time, the FINAL keyword is required to remove duplicates.
  • version_column – An monotonically increasing number, which can be based on a timestamp. Used for make sure sure updates are executed in a right order.
  • is_deleted_column (23.2+ see ) – the column used to delete rows.

DML operations

  • CREATE – INSERT INTO t values(..)
  • READ – SELECT FROM t final
  • UPDATE – INSERT INTO t(..., _version) values (...), insert with incremented version
  • DELETE – INSERT INTO t(..., _version, is_deleted) values(..., 1)


ClickHouse does not guarantee that merge will fire and replace rows using ReplacingMergeTree logic. FINAL keyword should be used in order to apply merge in a query time. It works reasonably fast when PK filter is used, but maybe slow for SELECT * type of queries:

See these links for reference:

Since 23.2, profile level final=1 can force final automatically, see

ClickHouse merge parts only in scope of single partition, so if two rows with the same replacing key would land in different partitions, they would never be merged in single row. FINAL keyword works in other way, it merge all rows across all partitions. But that behavior can be changed viado_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final setting.

CREATE TABLE repl_tbl_part
    `key` UInt32,
    `value` UInt32,
    `part_key` UInt32
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree

INSERT INTO repl_tbl_part SELECT
    1 AS key,
    number AS value,
    number % 2 AS part_key
FROM numbers(4)
SETTINGS optimize_on_insert = 0;

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl_part;

   1      1         1 
   1      3         1 
   1      0         0 
   1      2         0 

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl_part FINAL;

   1      3         1 

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl_part FINAL SETTINGS do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final=1;

   1      3         1 
   1      2         0 


SELECT * FROM repl_tbl_part;

   1      3         1 
   1      2         0 

Deleting the data

  • Delete in partition: ALTER TABLE t DELETE WHERE ... in PARTITION 'partition' – slow and asynchronous, rebuilds the partition
  • Filter is_deleted in queries: SELECT ... WHERE is_deleted = 0
  • Before 23.2, use ROW POLICY to apply a filter automatically: CREATE ROW POLICY delete_masking on t using is_deleted = 0 for ALL;
  • 23.2+ ReplacingMergeTree(version, is_deleted) ORDER BY .. SETTINGS clean_deleted_rows='Always' (see )

Other options:

  • Partition operations: ALTER TABLE t DROP PARTITION 'partition' – locks the table, drops full partition only
  • Lightweight delete: DELETE FROM t WHERE ... – experimental

Use cases

Last state

Tested on ClickHouse 23.6 version FINAL is good in all cases

    `key` UInt32,
    `val_1` UInt32,
    `val_2` String,
    `val_3` String,
    `val_4` String,
    `val_5` UUID,
    `ts` DateTime
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(ts)


INSERT INTO repl_tbl SELECT number as key, rand() as val_1, randomStringUTF8(10) as val_2, randomStringUTF8(5) as val_3, randomStringUTF8(4) as val_4, generateUUIDv4() as val_5, now() as ts FROM numbers(10000000);
INSERT INTO repl_tbl SELECT number as key, rand() as val_1, randomStringUTF8(10) as val_2, randomStringUTF8(5) as val_3, randomStringUTF8(4) as val_4, generateUUIDv4() as val_5, now() as ts FROM numbers(10000000);
INSERT INTO repl_tbl SELECT number as key, rand() as val_1, randomStringUTF8(10) as val_2, randomStringUTF8(5) as val_3, randomStringUTF8(4) as val_4, generateUUIDv4() as val_5, now() as ts FROM numbers(10000000);
INSERT INTO repl_tbl SELECT number as key, rand() as val_1, randomStringUTF8(10) as val_2, randomStringUTF8(5) as val_3, randomStringUTF8(4) as val_4, generateUUIDv4() as val_5, now() as ts FROM numbers(10000000);

SELECT count() FROM repl_tbl


Single key

SELECT key, argMax(val_1, ts) as val_1, argMax(val_2, ts) as val_2, argMax(val_3, ts) as val_3, argMax(val_4, ts) as val_4, argMax(val_5, ts) as val_5, max(ts) FROM repl_tbl WHERE key = 10 GROUP BY key;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec.

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl WHERE key = 10 ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1 BY key ;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

-- Subquery
SELECT * FROM repl_tbl WHERE key = 10 AND ts = (SELECT max(ts) FROM repl_tbl WHERE key = 10);
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.009 sec.

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl FINAL WHERE key = 10;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec.

Multiple keys

SELECT key, argMax(val_1, ts) as val_1, argMax(val_2, ts) as val_2, argMax(val_3, ts) as val_3, argMax(val_4, ts) as val_4, argMax(val_5, ts) as val_5, max(ts) FROM repl_tbl WHERE key IN (SELECT toUInt32(number) FROM numbers(1000000) WHERE number % 100) GROUP BY key FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 2.19 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.043 sec. Processed 5.08 million rows, 524.38 MB (4.87 million rows/s., 502.64 MB/s.)

-- SET optimize_aggregation_in_order=1;
Peak memory usage (for query): 349.94 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.901 sec. Processed 4.94 million rows, 506.55 MB (5.48 million rows/s., 562.17 MB/s.)

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl WHERE key IN (SELECT toUInt32(number) FROM numbers(1000000) WHERE number % 100) ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1 BY key FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 1.12 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.171 sec. Processed 5.08 million rows, 524.38 MB (4.34 million rows/s., 447.95 MB/s.)

-- Subquery
SELECT * FROM repl_tbl WHERE (key, ts) IN (SELECT key, max(ts) FROM repl_tbl WHERE key IN (SELECT toUInt32(number) FROM numbers(1000000) WHERE number % 100) GROUP BY key) FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 197.30 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.484 sec. Processed 8.72 million rows, 507.33 MB (18.04 million rows/s., 1.05 GB/s.)

-- SET optimize_aggregation_in_order=1;
Peak memory usage (for query): 171.93 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.465 sec. Processed 8.59 million rows, 490.55 MB (18.46 million rows/s., 1.05 GB/s.)

SELECT * FROM repl_tbl FINAL WHERE key IN (SELECT toUInt32(number) FROM numbers(1000000) WHERE number % 100) FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 537.13 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.357 sec. Processed 4.39 million rows, 436.28 MB (12.28 million rows/s., 1.22 GB/s.)

Full table

SELECT key, argMax(val_1, ts) as val_1, argMax(val_2, ts) as val_2, argMax(val_3, ts) as val_3, argMax(val_4, ts) as val_4, argMax(val_5, ts) as val_5, max(ts) FROM repl_tbl GROUP BY key FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 16.08 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 11.600 sec. Processed 40.00 million rows, 5.12 GB (3.45 million rows/s., 441.49 MB/s.)

-- SET optimize_aggregation_in_order=1;
Peak memory usage (for query): 865.76 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 9.677 sec. Processed 39.82 million rows, 5.10 GB (4.12 million rows/s., 526.89 MB/s.)

Peak memory usage (for query): 8.39 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 14.489 sec. Processed 40.00 million rows, 5.12 GB (2.76 million rows/s., 353.45 MB/s.)

-- Subquery
SELECT * FROM repl_tbl WHERE (key, ts) IN (SELECT key, max(ts) FROM repl_tbl GROUP BY key) FORMAT Null;
Peak memory usage (for query): 2.40 GiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 5.225 sec. Processed 79.65 million rows, 5.40 GB (15.24 million rows/s., 1.03 GB/s.)

-- SET optimize_aggregation_in_order=1;
Peak memory usage (for query): 924.39 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.126 sec. Processed 79.67 million rows, 5.40 GB (19.31 million rows/s., 1.31 GB/s.)

Peak memory usage (for query): 834.09 MiB.
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.314 sec. Processed 38.80 million rows, 4.97 GB (16.77 million rows/s., 2.15 GB/s.)

3.8.1 - ReplacingMergeTree does not collapse duplicates

ReplacingMergeTree does not collapse duplicates

Hi there, I have a question about replacing merge trees. I have set up a Materialized View with ReplacingMergeTree table, but even if I call optimize on it, the parts don’t get merged. I filled that table yesterday, nothing happened since then. What should I do?

Merges are eventual and may never happen. It depends on the number of inserts that happened after, the number of parts in the partition, size of parts. If the total size of input parts are greater than the maximum part size then they will never be merged. ReplacingMergeTree is suitable for clearing out duplicate data in the background in order to save space, but it doesn’t guarantee the absence of duplicates.

3.9 - Skip index

Skip index
--(1) create test table
drop table if exists test;
create table test
    version UInt32
    ,id UInt32
    ,state UInt8
    ,INDEX state_idx (state) type set(0) GRANULARITY 1
) ENGINE ReplacingMergeTree(version)
      ORDER BY (id);

--(2) insert sample data
INSERT INTO test (version, id, state) VALUES (1,1,1);
INSERT INTO test (version, id, state) VALUES (2,1,0);
INSERT INTO test (version, id, state) VALUES (3,1,1);

--(3) check the result:
-- expected 3, 1, 1
select version, id, state from test final;
       3   1      1 

-- expected empty result
select version, id, state from test final where state=0;
       2   1      0 

3.10 - SummingMergeTree


Nested structures

In certain conditions it could make sense to collapse one of dimensions to set of arrays. It’s usually profitable to do if this dimension is not commonly used in queries. It would reduce amount of rows in aggregated table and speed up queries which doesn’t care about this dimension in exchange of aggregation performance by collapsed dimension.

    `key1` UInt32,
    `key2` UInt32,
    `port` UInt16,
    `bits_in` UInt32 CODEC (T64,LZ4),
    `bits_out` UInt32 CODEC (T64,LZ4),
    `packets_in` UInt32 CODEC (T64,LZ4),
    `packets_out` UInt32 CODEC (T64,LZ4)
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
ORDER BY (key1, key2, port);

    number % 1000,
    intDiv(number, 10000),
    rand() % 20,
    rand() % 753,
    rand64() % 800,
    rand() % 140,
    rand64() % 231
FROM numbers(100000000);

CREATE TABLE default.traffic_map
    `key1` UInt32,
    `key2` UInt32,
    `bits_in` UInt32 CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `bits_out` UInt32 CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `packets_in` UInt32 CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `packets_out` UInt32 CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `portMap.port` Array(UInt16),
    `portMap.bits_in` Array(UInt32) CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `portMap.bits_out` Array(UInt32) CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `portMap.packets_in` Array(UInt32) CODEC(T64, LZ4),
    `portMap.packets_out` Array(UInt32) CODEC(T64, LZ4)
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
ORDER BY (key1, key2);

INSERT INTO traffic_map WITH rand() % 20 AS port
    number % 1000 AS key1,
    intDiv(number, 10000) AS key2,
    rand() % 753 AS bits_in,
    rand64() % 800 AS bits_out,
    rand() % 140 AS packets_in,
    rand64() % 231 AS packets_out,
FROM numbers(100000000);

 traffic      bits_out             80252317  109.09 MiB  306.14 MiB      2.81 
 traffic      bits_in              80252317  108.34 MiB  306.14 MiB      2.83 
 traffic      port                 80252317  99.21 MiB   153.07 MiB      1.54 
 traffic      packets_out          80252317  91.36 MiB   306.14 MiB      3.35 
 traffic      packets_in           80252317  84.61 MiB   306.14 MiB      3.62 
 traffic      key2                 80252317  47.88 MiB   306.14 MiB      6.39 
 traffic      key1                 80252317  1.38 MiB    306.14 MiB    221.42 
 traffic_map  portMap.bits_out     10000000  108.96 MiB  306.13 MiB      2.81 
 traffic_map  portMap.bits_in      10000000  108.32 MiB  306.13 MiB      2.83 
 traffic_map  portMap.port         10000000  92.00 MiB   229.36 MiB      2.49 
 traffic_map  portMap.packets_out  10000000  90.95 MiB   306.13 MiB      3.37 
 traffic_map  portMap.packets_in   10000000  84.19 MiB   306.13 MiB      3.64 
 traffic_map  key2                 10000000  23.46 MiB   38.15 MiB       1.63 
 traffic_map  bits_in              10000000  15.59 MiB   38.15 MiB       2.45 
 traffic_map  bits_out             10000000  15.59 MiB   38.15 MiB       2.45 
 traffic_map  packets_out          10000000  13.22 MiB   38.15 MiB       2.89 
 traffic_map  packets_in           10000000  12.62 MiB   38.15 MiB       3.02 
 traffic_map  key1                 10000000  180.29 KiB  38.15 MiB     216.66 

-- Queries

FROM traffic

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.488 sec. Processed 80.25 million rows, 963.03 MB (164.31 million rows/s., 1.97 GB/s.)

FROM traffic_map

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.063 sec. Processed 10.00 million rows, 120.00 MB (159.43 million rows/s., 1.91 GB/s.)

FROM traffic

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.668 sec. Processed 80.25 million rows, 1.12 GB (120.14 million rows/s., 1.68 GB/s.)

WITH arrayJoin(arrayZip(untuple(sumMap(portMap.port, portMap.packets_in, portMap.bits_out)))) AS tpl
    tpl.1 AS port,
    tpl.2 AS packets_in,
    tpl.3 AS bits_out
FROM traffic_map

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.915 sec. Processed 10.00 million rows, 1.08 GB (10.93 million rows/s., 1.18 GB/s.)

3.11 - UPSERT by VersionedCollapsingMergeTree

How to aggregate mutating event stream with duplicates

Challenges with mutated data

When you have an incoming event stream with duplicates, updates, and deletes, building a consistent row state inside the ClickHouse® table is a big challenge.

The UPDATE/DELETE approach in the OLTP world won’t help with OLAP databases tuned to handle big batches. UPDATE/DELETE operations in ClickHouse are executed as “mutations,” rewriting a lot of data and being relatively slow. You can’t run such operations very often, as for OLTP databases. But the UPSERT operation (insert and replace) runs fast with the ReplacingMergeTree Engine. It’s even set as the default mode for INSERT without any special keyword. We can emulate UPDATE (or even DELETE) with the UPSERT operation.

There are a lot of blog posts on how to use ReplacingMergeTree Engine to handle mutated data streams. A properly designed table schema with ReplacingMergeTree Engine is a good instrument for building the DWH Dimensions table. But when maintaining metrics in Fact tables, there are several problems:

  • it’s not possible to use a valuable ClickHouse feature - online aggregation of incoming data by Materialized Views or Projections on top of the ReplacingMT table, because duplicates and updates will not be deduplicated by the engine during inserts, and calculated aggregates (like sum or count) will be incorrect. For significant amounts of data, it’s become critical because aggregating raw data during report queries will take too much time.
  • unfinished support for DELETEs. While in the newest versions of ClickHouse, it’s possible to add the is_deleted to ReplacingMergeTree parameters, the necessity of manually filtering out deleted rows after FINAL processing makes that feature less useful.
  • Mutated data should be localized to the same partition. If the “replacing” row is saved to a partition different from the previous one, the report query will be much slower or produce unexpected results.
-- multiple partitions problem
    `key` Int64,
    `someCol` String,
    `eventTime` DateTime
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()

INSERT INTO RMT Values (1, 'first', '2024-04-25T10:16:21');
INSERT INTO RMT Values (1, 'second', '2024-05-02T08:36:59');

with merged as (select * from RMT FINAL)
select * from merged
where eventTime < '2024-05-01'

You will get a row with ‘first’, not an empty set, as one might expect with the FINAL processing of a whole table.


ClickHouse has other table engines, such as CollapsingMergeTree and VersionedCollapsingMergeTree, that can be used even better for UPSERT operation.

Both work by inserting a “rollback row” to compensate for the previous insert. The difference between CollapsingMergeTree and VersionedCollapsingMergeTree is in the algorithm of collapsing. For Cluster configurations, it’s essential to understand which row came first and who should replace whom. That is why using ReplicatedVersionedCollapsingMergeTree is mandatory for Replicated Clusters.

When dealing with such complicated data streams, it needs to be solved 3 tasks simultaneously:

  • remove duplicates
  • process updates and deletes
  • calculate correct aggregates

It’s essential to understand how the collapsing algorithm of VersionedCollapsingMergeTree works. Quote from the documentation :

When ClickHouse merges data parts, it deletes each pair of rows that have the same primary key and version and different Sign. The order of rows does not matter.

The version column should increase over time. You may use a natural timestamp for that. Random-generated IDs are not suitable for the version column.

Replace data in another partition

Let’s first fix the problem with mutated data in a different partition.

    key Int64,
    someCol String,
    eventTime DateTime,
    sign Int8
ENGINE = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign,eventTime)

INSERT INTO VCMT Values (1, 'first', '2024-04-25 10:16:21',1);
INSERT INTO VCMT Values (1, 'first', '2024-04-25 10:16:21',-1), (1, 'second', '2024-05-02 08:36:59',1);

set do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final=1; -- for fast FINAL

select 'no rows after:';
with merged as 
  (select * from VCMT FINAL)
select * from merged
where eventTime < '2024-05-01';

With VersionedCollapsingMergeTree, we can use more partition strategies, even with columns not tied to the row’s primary key. This could facilitate the creation of faster queries, more convenient TTLs (Time-To-Live), and backups.

Row deduplication

There are several ways to remove duplicates from the event stream. The most effective feature is block deduplication, which occurs when ClickHouse drops incoming blocks with the same checksum (or tag). However, this requires building a smart ingestor capable of saving positions in a transactional manner.

However, another method is possible: verifying whether a particular row already exists in the destination table to avoid redundant insertions. Together with block deduplication, that method also avoids using ReplacingMergeTree and FINAL during query time.

Ensuring accuracy and consistency in results requires executing this process on a single thread within one cluster node. This method is particularly suitable for less active event streams, such as those with up to 100,000 events per second. To boost performance, incoming streams should be segmented into several partitions (or ‘shards’) based on the table/event’s Primary Key, with each partition processed on a single thread.

An example of row deduplication:

create table Example1 (id Int64, metric UInt64) 
engine = MergeTree order by id;

create table Example1Null engine = Null as Example1;

create materialized view __Example1 to Example1 as
select * from Example1Null 
where id not in (
   select id from Example1 where id in (
      select id from Example1Null

Here is the trick:

  • use Null table and MatView to be able to access both the insert block and the dest table
  • check the existence of IDs in the destination table with a fast index scan by a primary key using the IN operator
  • filter existing rows from insert block by NOT IN operator

In most cases, the insert block does not have too many rows (like 1000-100k), so checking the destination table for their existence by scanning the Primary Key (residing in memory) won’t take much time. However, due to the high table index granularity, it can still be noticeable on high load. To enhance performance, consider reducing index granularity to 4096 (from the default 8192) or even fewer values.

Getting old row

To process updates in CollapsingMergeTree, the ’last row state’ must be known before inserting the ‘compensation row.’ Sometimes, this is possible - CDC events coming from MySQL’s binlog or Postgres’s WAL contain not only ’new’ data but also ‘old’ values. If one of the columns includes a sequence-generated version or timestamp of the row’s update time, it can be used as the row’s ‘version’ for VersionedCollapsingMergeTree. When the incoming event stream lacks old metric values and suitable version information, we can retrieve that data by examining the ClickHouse table using the same method used for row deduplication in the previous example.

create table Example2 (id Int64, metric UInt64, sign Int8) 
engine = CollapsingMergeTree(sign) order by id;

create table Example2Null engine = Null as Example2;

create materialized view __Example2 to Example2 as
with _old as (
   select *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) as _sign 
   from Example2 where id in (select id from Example2Null)
select id,
       if(_old._sign=-1, _old.metric, _new.metric) as metric
from Example2Null as _new
join _old using id;

I read more data from the Example2 table than from Example1. Instead of simply checking the row existence by the IN operator, a JOIN with existing rows is used to build a “compensate row.”

For UPSERT, the collapsing algorithm requires inserting two rows. So, I need to create two rows from any row that is found in the local table. It´s an essential part of the suggested approach, which allows me to produce proper rows for inserting with a human-readable code with clear if() statements. That is why I execute arrayJoin while reading old data.

Don’t try to run the code above. It’s just a short explanation of the idea, lacking many needed elements.

UPSERT by Collapsing

Here is a more realistic example with more checks that can be played with:

create table Example3 
    id              Int32,   
    metric1         UInt32,
    metric2         UInt32,
    _version        UInt64,
    sign            Int8 default 1
) engine = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, _version)
create table Stage engine=Null as Example3 ;

create materialized view Example3Transform to Example3 as
with __new as ( SELECT * FROM Stage order by  _version desc, sign desc limit 1 by id ),
 __old AS ( SELECT *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) AS _sign from
                 ( select * FROM Example3 final
                   PREWHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM __new)
                   where sign = 1
select id,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric1, __new.metric1)   AS metric1,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric2, __new.metric2)   AS metric2,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old._version, __new._version) AS _version,
    if(__old._sign = -1, -1, 1)                          AS sign
from __new left join __old
using id
where if(__new.sign=-1,
  __old._sign = -1,                -- insert only delete row if it's found in old data
  __new._version > __old._version  -- skip duplicates for updates

-- original
insert into Stage values (1,1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,1,1);
select 'step1',* from Example3 ;

-- no duplicates (with the same version) inserted
insert into Stage values (1,3,1,1,1),(2,3,2,1,1);
select 'step2',* from Example3 ;

-- delete a row with id=2. version for delete row does not have any meaning
insert into Stage values (2,2,2,0,-1);
select 'step3',* from Example3 final;

-- replace a row with id=1. row with sign=-1 not needed, but can be in the insert blocks (will be skipped)
insert into Stage values (1,1,1,0,-1),(1,3,3,2,1);
select 'step4',* from Example3 final;

Important additions:

  • When multiple events with the same ID and different versions are received in the one insert batch, the most recent event is applied.
  • “delete rows” with sign=-1 and the wrong version are not used for processing. For the Collapsing algorithm, the delete row version should match the version from the row stored in the local table, not the same version from the replacing row. That’s why I decided to skip such a “delete row” received from the incoming stream and build it from the table’s data.
  • using FINAL and PREWHERE (to speed up FINAL) while reading the destination table. PREWHERE filters are applied before FINAL processing, reducing the number of grouped rows.
  • filter to skip out-of-order events by checking the version
  • DELETE event processing (inside last WHERE)

Speed Test

set allow_experimental_analyzer=0;
create table Example3
    id              Int32,
    Department      String,
    metric1         UInt32,
    metric2         Float32,
    _version        UInt64,
    sign            Int8 default 1
) engine = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, _version)
      ORDER BY id
  partition by (id % 20)
settings index_granularity=4096

set do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final=1;

-- make 100M table
    number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2,
    0 AS _version,
    1 AS sign
FROM numbers(1E8);

create function timeSpent as () ->
    date_diff('millisecond',(select ts from t1),now64(3));

-- measure plain INSERT time for 1M batch
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
    number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2,
    1 AS _version,
    1 AS sign
FROM numbers(1E6);
select '---',timeSpent(),'INSERT';

--create table Stage engine=MergeTree order by id as Example3 ;
create table Stage engine=Null as Example3 ;

create materialized view Example3Transform to Example3 as
with __new as ( SELECT * FROM Stage order by  _version desc,sign desc limit 1 by id ),
     __old AS ( SELECT *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) AS _sign from
         ( select * FROM Example3 final
             PREWHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM __new)
           where sign = 1
select id,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.Department, __new.Department)   AS
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric1, __new.metric1)   AS metric1,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric2, __new.metric2)   AS metric2,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old._version, __new._version) AS _version,
       if(__old._sign = -1, -1, 1)                          AS sign
from __new left join __old using id
where if(__new.sign=-1,
         __old._sign = -1,                -- insert only delete row if it's found in old data
         __new._version > __old._version  -- skip duplicates for updates

-- calculate UPSERT time for 1M batch
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
    (rand() % 1E6)*100 AS id,
    --number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2,
    2 AS _version,
    1 AS sign
FROM numbers(1E6);

select '---',timeSpent(),'UPSERT';

-- FINAL query
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
select Department, count(), sum(metric1) from Example3 FINAL
group by Department order by Department
format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'FINAL';

-- GROUP BY query
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example3
group by Department order by Department
format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY';

optimize table Example3 final;
-- FINAL query
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
select Department, count(), sum(metric1) from Example3 FINAL
group by Department order by Department
format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'FINAL OPTIMIZED';

-- GROUP BY query
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (ts DateTime64(3)) as select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example3
group by Department order by Department
format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY OPTIMIZED';

You can use fiddle or clickhouse-local to run such a test:

cat test.sql | clickhouse-local -nm

Results (Mac A2 Pro), milliseconds:

---	252	INSERT
---	1710	UPSERT
---	763	FINAL
---	311	GROUP BY

UPSERT is six times slower than direct INSERT because it requires looking up the destination table. That is the price. It is better to use idempotent inserts with an exactly-once delivery guarantee. However, it’s not always possible.

The FINAL speed is quite good, especially if we split the table by 20 partitions, use do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final setting, and keep most of the table’s partitions optimized (1 part per partition). But we can do it better.

Adding projections

Let’s add an aggregating projection, and also add a more useful updated_at timestamp instead of an abstract _version and replace String for Department dimension by LowCardinality(String). Let’s look at the difference in time execution.

set allow_experimental_analyzer=0;
create table Example4
    id              Int32,
    Department      LowCardinality(String),
    metric1         Int32,
    metric2         Float32,
    _version        DateTime64(3) default now64(3),
    sign            Int8 default 1
) engine = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, _version)
      ORDER BY id
      partition by (id % 20)
      settings index_granularity=4096

set do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final=1;

-- make 100M table
    number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2,
    0 AS _version,
    1 AS sign
FROM numbers(1E8);

create temporary table timeMark (ts DateTime64(3));
create function timeSpent as () ->
    date_diff('millisecond',(select max(ts) from timeMark),now64(3));

-- measure plain INSERT time for 1M batch
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
INSERT INTO Example4(id,Department,metric1,metric2)
    number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2
FROM numbers(1E6);
select '---',timeSpent(),'INSERT';

--create table Stage engine=MergeTree order by id as Example4 ;
create table Stage engine=Null as Example4 ;

create materialized view Example4Transform to Example4 as
with __new as ( SELECT * FROM Stage order by  _version desc,sign desc limit 1 by id ),
     __old AS ( SELECT *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) AS _sign from
         ( select * FROM Example4 final
             PREWHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM __new)
           where sign = 1
select id,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.Department, __new.Department)   AS
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric1, __new.metric1)   AS metric1,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric2, __new.metric2)   AS metric2,
       if(__old._sign = -1, __old._version, __new._version) AS _version,
       if(__old._sign = -1, -1, 1)                          AS sign
from __new left join __old using id
where if(__new.sign=-1,
         __old._sign = -1,                -- insert only delete row if it's found in old data
         __new._version > __old._version  -- skip duplicates for updates

-- calculate UPSERT time for 1M batch
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
INSERT INTO Stage(id,Department,metric1,metric2)
    (rand() % 1E6)*100 AS id,
    --number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2
FROM numbers(1E6);

select '---',timeSpent(),'UPSERT';

-- FINAL query
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, count(), sum(metric1) from Example4 FINAL
group by Department order by Department
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'FINAL';

-- GROUP BY query
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example4
group by Department order by Department
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY';

--select '--parts1',partition, count() from where active and table='Example4'  group by partition;

insert into timeMark select now64(3);
optimize table Example4 final;
select '---',timeSpent(),'OPTIMIZE';

insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, count(), sum(metric1) from Example4 FINAL
group by Department order by Department
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'FINAL OPTIMIZED';

insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example4
group by Department order by Department
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY OPTIMIZED';

--  UPSERT a little data to create more parts
INSERT INTO Stage(id,Department,metric1,metric2)
    number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2
FROM numbers(1000);

--select '--parts2',partition, count() from where active and table='Example4' group by partition;

insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example4
group by Department order by Department
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY SEMI-OPTIMIZED';

--alter table Example4 add column Smetric1 Int32 alias metric1*sign;
alter table Example4 add projection byDep  (select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) group by Department);

-- Materialize Projection
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
alter table Example4 materialize projection byDep settings mutations_sync=1;
select '---',timeSpent(),'Materialize Projection';

-- GROUP BY query Projected
insert into timeMark select now64(3);
select Department, sum(sign), sum(sign*metric1) from Example4
group by Department order by Department
    settings force_optimize_projection=1
    format Null
select '---',timeSpent(),'GROUP BY Projected';

Results (Mac A2 Pro), milliseconds:

---	175	INSERT
---	1613	UPSERT
---	329	FINAL
---	102	GROUP BY
---	10498	OPTIMIZE
---	919	Materialize Projection
---	5	GROUP BY Projected

Some thoughts:

  • INSERT, UPSERT, and SELECT benefit from switching the Department column to LowCardinality. Fewer reads - faster queries.
  • OPTIMIZE is VERY expensive
  • FINAL is quite fast (especially for the OPTIMIZED table). You don’t need to OPTIMIZE the table till the 1 part for partition to remove FINAL from the query. Not having too many parts already gives you a performance boost.
  • GROUP BY for that task is still faster
  • projections building requires resources. Inserts to the table with Projections will be longer. Tune the insert timeouts.
  • Query over projection is very fast (as it should be). However, it’s not always possible to aggregate data in such a simple way.

DELETEs inaccuracy

The typical CDC event for DWH systems besides INSERT is UPSERT—a new row replaces the old one (with suitable aggregate corrections). But DELETE events are also supported (ones with column sign=-1). The Materialized View described above will correctly process the DELETE event by inserting only 1 row with sign=-1 if a row with a particular ID already exists in the table. In such cases, VersionedCollapsingMergeTree will wipe both rows (with sign=1 & -1) during merge or final operations.

However, it can lead to incorrect duplicate processing in some rare situations. Here is the scenario:

  • two events happen in the source database (insert and delete) for the very same ID
  • only insert event create a duplicate (delete event does not duplicate)
  • all 3 events (delete and two inserts) were processed in separate batches
  • ClickHouse executes the merge operation very quickly after the first INSERT and DELETE events are received, effectively removing the row with that ID from the table
  • the second (duplicated) insert is saved to the table because we lost the information about the first insertion

The probability of such a sequence is relatively low, especially in normal operations when the amount of DELETEs is not too significant. Processing events in big batches will reduce the probability even more.

Combine old and new

The presented technique can be used to reimplement the AggregatingMergeTree algorithm to combine old and new row data using VersionedCollapsingMergeTree.

create table Example5 
    id              Int32,   
    metric1         UInt32,
    metric2         Nullable(UInt32),
    updated_at      DateTime64(3) default now64(3),
    sign            Int8 default 1
) engine = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, updated_at)
create table Stage engine=Null as Example5 ;
create materialized view Example5Transform to Example5 as
with __new as ( SELECT * FROM Stage order by sign desc, updated_at desc limit 1 by id ),
     __old AS ( SELECT *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) AS _sign from
                 ( select * FROM Example5 final
                   PREWHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM __new)
                   where sign = 1
select id,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric1, greatest(__new.metric1, __old.metric1)) AS metric1,    
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric2, ifNull(__new.metric2, __old.metric2)) AS metric2,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.updated_at, __new.updated_at) AS updated_at,
    if(__old._sign = -1, -1, 1)                          AS sign
from __new left join __old using id
where if(__new.sign=-1,
  __old._sign = -1,                -- insert only delete row if it's found in old data
  __new.updated_at > __old.updated_at  -- skip duplicates for updates

-- original
insert into Stage(id) values (1), (2);
select 'step0',* from Example5 ;

insert into Stage(id,metric1) values (1,1), (2,2);
select 'step1',* from Example5 final;

insert into Stage(id,metric2) values (1,11), (2,12);
select 'step2',* from Example5 final ;

Complex Primary Key

I used a simple, compact column with Int64 type for the primary key in previous examples. It’s better to go this route with monotonically growing IDs like autoincrement ID or SnowFlakeId (based on timestamp). However, in some cases, a more complex primary key is needed. For instance, when storing data for multiple tenants (Customers, partners, etc.) in the same table. This is not a problem for the suggested technique - use all the necessary columns in all filters and JOIN operations as Tuple.

create table Example6 
    id              Int64,  
    tenant_id       Int32, 
    metric1         UInt32,
    _version        UInt64,
    sign            Int8 default 1
) engine = VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(sign, _version)
ORDER BY (tenant_id,id)
create table Stage engine=Null as Example6 ;

create materialized view Example6Transform to Example6 as
with __new as ( SELECT * FROM Stage order by sign desc, _version desc limit 1 by tenant_id,id ),
     __old AS ( SELECT *, arrayJoin([-1,1]) AS _sign from
                 ( select * FROM Example6 final
                   PREWHERE (tenant_id,id) IN (SELECT tenant_id,id FROM __new)
                   where sign = 1
select id,tenant_id,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old.metric1, __new.metric1)   AS metric1,
    if(__old._sign = -1, __old._version, __new._version) AS _version,
    if(__old._sign = -1, -1, 1)                          AS sign
from __new left join __old
using (tenant_id,id)
where if(__new.sign=-1,
  __old._sign = -1,                -- insert only delete row if it's found in old data
  __new._version > __old._version  -- skip duplicates for updates


The suggested approach works well when inserting data in a single thread on a single replica. This is suitable for up to 1M events per second. However, for higher traffic, it’s necessary to use multiple ingesting threads across several replicas. In such cases, collisions caused by parts manipulation and replication delay can disrupt the entire Collapsing algorithm.

But inserting different shards with a sharding key derived from ID works fine. Every shard will operate with its own non-intersecting set of IDs, and don’t interfere with each other.

The same approach can be implemented when inserting several threads into the same replica node. For big installations with high traffic and many shards and replicas, the ingesting app can split the data stream into a considerably large number of “virtual shards” (or partitions in Kafka terminology) and then map the “virtual shards” to the threads doing inserts to “physical shards.”

The incoming stream could be split into several ones by using an expression like cityHash64(id) % 50 = 0 as a sharding key. The ingesting app should calculate the shard number before sending data to internal buffers that will be flushed to INSERTs.

-- emulate insert into distributed table
INSERT INTO function remote('localhos{t,t,t}',default,Stage,id)
    (rand() % 1E6)*100 AS id,
    --number AS id,
    ['HR', 'Finance', 'Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing'][rand() % 5 + 1] AS Department,
    rand() % 1000 AS metric1,
    (rand() % 10000) / 100.0 AS metric2,
    2 AS _version,
    1 AS sign
FROM numbers(1000)
settings prefer_localhost_replica=0;