How much data are written to S3 during mutations

Example of how much data Clickhouse reads and writes to s3 during mutations.


S3 disk with disabled merges

                <use_environment_credentials>1</use_environment_credentials>  <!-- use IAM AWS role -->

Let’s create a table and load some synthetic data.

    `A` Int64,
    `S` String,
    `D` Date
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, today() - intDiv(number, 10000000) from numbers(7e8);
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 98.091 sec. Processed 700.36 million rows, 5.60 GB (7.14 million rows/s., 57.12 MB/s.)

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition
order by partition;

 default    2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 default    2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 default    2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.39 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.023 sec.

Perfomance of mutations for a local EBS (throughput: 500 MB/s)

select * from test_s3 where A=490000000;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.020 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 92.67 KB (419.17 thousand rows/s., 4.74 MB/s.)

select * from test_s3 where S='490000000';
1 row in set. Elapsed: 14.117 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (49.59 million rows/s., 884.68 MB/s.)

delete from test_s3 where S = '490000000';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 22.192 sec.

delete from test_s3 where A = '490000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.243 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where S = 590000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 21.387 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where A = '590000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 3.372 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where S = '690000000' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 20.265 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where A = '690000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.979 sec.

Let’s move data to S3

alter table test_s3 modify TTL D + interval 10 day to disk 's3disk';

-- 10 minutes later
 s3disk     2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-09   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-10   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-07-02   10000000  78.22 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-11   10000000  78.20 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.40 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.007 sec.

Sizes of a table on S3 and a size of each column

select sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size 
from where table= 'test_s3' and active and disk_name = 's3disk';
│ 600000000 │ 4.58 GiB │

    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')

│ default  │ test_s3 │ A      │ 2.22 GiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ D      │ 5.09 MiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ S      │ 2.33 GiB   │

S3 Statistics of selects

select *, _part from test_s3 where A=100000000;
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08  20230708_106_111_1_738 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 65.56 KB (79.11 thousand rows/s., 633.07 KB/s.)

           6            0  70.58 KiB         0.00 B            

Select by primary key read only 70.58 KiB from S3

Size of this part

    database, table, column,
    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')
    and name = '20230708_106_111_1_738'
GROUP BY database, table, column ORDER BY column ASC

 default   test_s3  A       22.51 MiB  
 default   test_s3  D       51.47 KiB  
 default   test_s3  S       23.52 MiB  
select * from test_s3 where S='100000000';
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 86.745 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (8.07 million rows/s., 144.04 MB/s.)

         947            0  2.36 GiB          0.00 B            

Select using fullscan of S column read only 2.36 GiB from S3, the whole S column (2.33 GiB) plus parts of A and D.

delete from test_s3 where A=100000000;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 17.429 sec.

│ Q3 │        2981 │           6 │ 23.06 MiB        │ 27.25 KiB         │

insert into test select 'Q3' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

delete from test_s3 where S='100000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 31.417 sec.
│ Q4 │        4209 │           6 │ 2.39 GiB         │ 27.25 KiB         │
insert into test select 'Q4' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where A=110000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 19.521 sec.

│ Q5 │        2986 │          15 │ 42.27 MiB        │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q5' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where S='110000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 29.650 sec.

│ Q6 │        4212 │          15 │ 2.42 GiB         │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q6' q, event,value  from where event like '%S3%';
Last modified 2023.07.18: Create (247ae7a)