1 - AWS S3 Recipes

AWS S3 Recipes

Using AWS IAM — Identity and Access Management roles

For EC2 instance, there is an option to configure an IAM role:

Role shall contain a policy with permissions like:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "allow-put-and-get",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/test_s3_disk/*"

Corresponding configuration of ClickHouse®:


Small check:

CREATE TABLE table_s3 (number Int64) ENGINE=MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY tuple() SETTINGS storage_policy='policy_s3_only';
INSERT INTO table_s3 SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 100000000;
SELECT * FROM table_s3;
DROP TABLE table_s3;

How to use AWS IRSA and IAM in the Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse to allow S3 backup without Explicit credentials

Install clickhouse-operator https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/tree/master/docs/operator_installation_details.md

Create Role and IAM Policy, look details in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/EMR-on-EKS-DevelopmentGuide/setting-up-enable-IAM.html

Create service account with annotations

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
     eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<ROLE_NAME>

Link service account to podTemplate it will create AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE environment variables.

apiVersion: "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1"
kind: "ClickHouseInstallation"
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
       podTemplate: <POD_TEMPLATE_NAME>
      - name: <POD_TEMPLATE_NAME>
          serviceAccountName: <SERVICE ACCOUNT NAME>
            - name: clickhouse-backup

For EC2 instances the same environment variables should be created:


2 - How much data are written to S3 during mutations

Example of how much data ClickHouse® reads and writes to s3 during mutations.


S3 disk with disabled merges

                <use_environment_credentials>1</use_environment_credentials>  <!-- use IAM AWS role -->

Let’s create a table and load some synthetic data.

    `A` Int64,
    `S` String,
    `D` Date
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, today() - intDiv(number, 10000000) from numbers(7e8);
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 98.091 sec. Processed 700.36 million rows, 5.60 GB (7.14 million rows/s., 57.12 MB/s.)

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition
order by partition;

 default    2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 default    2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 default    2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.39 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.023 sec.

Performance of mutations for a local EBS (throughput: 500 MB/s)

select * from test_s3 where A=490000000;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.020 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 92.67 KB (419.17 thousand rows/s., 4.74 MB/s.)

select * from test_s3 where S='490000000';
1 row in set. Elapsed: 14.117 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (49.59 million rows/s., 884.68 MB/s.)

delete from test_s3 where S = '490000000';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 22.192 sec.

delete from test_s3 where A = '490000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 2.243 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where S = 590000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 21.387 sec.

alter table test_s3 delete where A = '590000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 3.372 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where S = '690000000' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 20.265 sec.

alter table test_s3 update S='' where A = '690000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.979 sec.

Let’s move data to S3

alter table test_s3 modify TTL D + interval 10 day to disk 's3disk';

-- 10 minutes later
 s3disk     2023-05-06   10000000  78.23 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-07   10000000  78.31 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-08   10000000  78.16 MiB           5 
 s3disk     2023-05-09   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-05-10   10000000  78.21 MiB           6 
 s3disk     2023-07-02   10000000  78.22 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-11   10000000  78.20 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-12   10000000  78.21 MiB           5 
 default    2023-07-13   10000000  78.23 MiB           6 
 default    2023-07-14   10000000  77.40 MiB           5 
70 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.007 sec.

Sizes of a table on S3 and a size of each column

select sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active and disk_name = 's3disk';
│ 600000000 │ 4.58 GiB │

    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')

│ default  │ test_s3 │ A      │ 2.22 GiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ D      │ 5.09 MiB   │
│ default  │ test_s3 │ S      │ 2.33 GiB   │

S3 Statistics of selects

select *, _part from test_s3 where A=100000000;
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08  20230708_106_111_1_738 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 65.56 KB (79.11 thousand rows/s., 633.07 KB/s.)

           6            0  70.58 KiB         0.00 B            

Select by primary key read only 70.58 KiB from S3

Size of this part

    database, table, column,
    formatReadableSize(sum(column_data_compressed_bytes) AS size) AS compressed
FROM system.parts_columns
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE '%') AND (table LIKE 'test_s3') AND (disk_name = 's3disk')
    and name = '20230708_106_111_1_738'
GROUP BY database, table, column ORDER BY column ASC

 default   test_s3  A       22.51 MiB  
 default   test_s3  D       51.47 KiB  
 default   test_s3  S       23.52 MiB  
select * from test_s3 where S='100000000';
 100000000  100000000  2023-07-08 
1 row in set. Elapsed: 86.745 sec. Processed 700.00 million rows, 12.49 GB (8.07 million rows/s., 144.04 MB/s.)

         947            0  2.36 GiB          0.00 B            

Select using fullscan of S column read only 2.36 GiB from S3, the whole S column (2.33 GiB) plus parts of A and D.

delete from test_s3 where A=100000000;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 17.429 sec.

│ Q3 │        2981 │           6 │ 23.06 MiB        │ 27.25 KiB         │

insert into test select 'Q3' q, event,value  from system.events where event like '%S3%';

delete from test_s3 where S='100000001';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 31.417 sec.
│ Q4 │        4209 │           6 │ 2.39 GiB         │ 27.25 KiB         │
insert into test select 'Q4' q, event,value  from system.events where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where A=110000000 settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 19.521 sec.

│ Q5 │        2986 │          15 │ 42.27 MiB        │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q5' q, event,value  from system.events where event like '%S3%';

alter table test_s3 delete where S='110000001' settings mutations_sync=2;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 29.650 sec.

│ Q6 │        4212 │          15 │ 2.42 GiB         │ 41.72 MiB         │
insert into test select 'Q6' q, event,value  from system.events where event like '%S3%';

3 - Example of the table at s3 with cache

s3 disk and s3 cache.

Storage configuration

cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/s3.xml
                <use_environment_credentials>1</use_environment_credentials>  <!-- use IAM AWS role -->
                <max_size>50Gi</max_size>  <!-- 50GB local cache to cache remote data -->
                      <max_data_part_size_bytes>50000000000</max_data_part_size_bytes>   <!-- only for parts less than 50GB after they moved to s3 during merges -->         
                      <disk>cache</disk>  <!-- sandwich cache plus s3disk -->
                      <!-- prefer_not_to_merge>true</prefer_not_to_merge>
select * from system.disks
 cache    /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3disk/  18446744073709551615  18446744073709551615 
 default  /var/lib/clickhouse/                       149113987072          207907635200 
 s3disk   /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3disk/  18446744073709551615  18446744073709551615 

select * from system.storage_policies;
 default      default                    1  ['default']  JBOD                          0            0                    0 
 s3tiered     default                    1  ['default']  JBOD                50000000000          0.1                    0 
 s3tiered     s3cached                   2  ['s3disk']   JBOD                          0          0.1                    0 

example with a new table

    `A` Int64,
    `S` String,
    `D` Date
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, '2023-01-01' from numbers(1e9);

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 270.285 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (3.70 million rows/s., 29.60 MB/s.)

Table size is 7.65 GiB and it at the default disk (EBS):

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition;
 default    2023-01-01  1000000000  7.65 GiB           8 

It seems my EBS write speed is slower than S3 write speed:

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 98.979 sec.

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 'default';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 127.741 sec.

Queries performance against EBS:

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (3.36 million rows/s., 29.40 MB/s.)

select uniq(A) from test_s3;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 11.439 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (87.42 million rows/s., 699.33 MB/s.)

select count() from test_s3 where S like '%4422%'
1 row in set. Elapsed: 17.484 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (57.20 million rows/s., 1.02 GB/s.)

Let’s move data to S3

alter table test_s3 move partition '2023-01-01' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 81.068 sec.

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name, partition;
 s3disk     2023-01-01  1000000000  7.65 GiB           8 

The first query execution against S3, the second against the cache (local EBS):

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.458 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (17.88 thousand rows/s., 156.35 KB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (3.24 million rows/s., 28.32 MB/s.)

select uniq(A) from test_s3;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 26.601 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (37.59 million rows/s., 300.74 MB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 8.675 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 8.00 GB (115.27 million rows/s., 922.15 MB/s.)

select count() from test_s3 where S like '%4422%'
1 row in set. Elapsed: 33.586 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (29.77 million rows/s., 532.63 MB/s.)
1 row in set. Elapsed: 16.551 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 17.89 GB (60.42 million rows/s., 1.08 GB/s.)

Cache introspection

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
 /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3_cache/  7.64 GiB                      

system drop FILESYSTEM cache;

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

select * from test_s3 where A = 443;
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.221 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 71.64 KB (37.10 thousand rows/s., 324.47 KB/s.)

select cache_base_path, formatReadableSize(sum(size)) from system.filesystem_cache group by 1;
 /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/s3_cache/  105.95 KiB                    

No data is stored locally (except system log tables).

select name, formatReadableSize(free_space) free_space, formatReadableSize(total_space) total_space from system.disks;
 cache    16.00 EiB   16.00 EiB   
 default  48.97 GiB   49.09 GiB   
 s3disk   16.00 EiB   16.00 EiB   

example with an existing table

The mydata table is created without the explicitly defined storage_policy, it means that implicitly storage_policy=default / volume=default / disk=default.

select disk_name, partition, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table='mydata' and active 
group by disk_name, partition
order by partition;
 default    202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 default    202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 default    202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 default    202301     516666677  4.01 GiB            10 
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            10 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

-- Let's change the storage policy, this command instant and changes only metadata of the table, and possible because the new storage policy and the old has the volume `default`.

alter table mydata modify setting storage_policy = 's3tiered';

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.057 sec.

straightforward (heavy) approach

-- Let's add TTL, it's a heavy command and takes a lot time and creates the performance impact, because it reads `D` column and moves parts to s3.
alter table mydata modify TTL D + interval 1 year to volume 's3cached';

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 140.661 sec.

 s3disk     202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 default    202301     516666677  4.01 GiB            10 
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            10 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

gentle (manual) approach

-- alter modify TTL changes only metadata of the table and applied to only newly insterted data.
set materialize_ttl_after_modify=0;
alter table mydata modify TTL D + interval 1 year to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.049 sec.

-- move data slowly partition by partition

alter table mydata move partition id '202201' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 49.410 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202202' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 36.952 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202203' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.808 sec.

-- data can be optimized to reduce number of parts before moving it to s3
optimize table mydata partition id '202301' final;
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 66.551 sec.

alter table mydata move partition id '202301' to volume 's3cached';
0 rows in set. Elapsed: 33.332 sec.

 s3disk     202201     516666677  4.01 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202202     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 s3disk     202203      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 
 s3disk     202301     516666677  4.01 GiB             1  -- optimized partition
 default    202302     466666657  3.64 GiB            13 
 default    202303      16666666  138.36 MiB          10 

S3 and ClickHouse® start time

Let’s create a table with 1000 parts and move them to s3.

CREATE TABLE test_s3( A Int64, S String, D Date)
SETTINGS storage_policy = 's3tiered';

insert into test_s3 select number, number, toDate('2000-01-01') + intDiv(number,1e6) from numbers(1e9);
optimize table test_s3 final settings optimize_skip_merged_partitions = 1;

select disk_name, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active group by disk_name;
 default    1000000000  7.64 GiB        1000 

alter table test_s3 modify ttl D + interval 1 year to disk 's3disk';

select disk_name, sum(rows), formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_on_disk)) size, count() part_count 
from system.parts where table= 'test_s3' and active 
group by disk_name;
 default    755000000  5.77 GiB         755 
 s3disk     245000000  1.87 GiB         245 

----  several minutes later ----

 s3disk     1000000000  7.64 GiB        1000 

start time

:) select name, value from system.merge_tree_settings where name = 'max_part_loading_threads';
│ max_part_loading_threads │ 'auto(4)' │

# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server  / real	4m26.766s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server  / real	4m24.263s

# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/max_part_loading_threads.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>

# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m11.225s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m10.797s


# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m8.474s
# systemctl stop clickhouse-server
# time systemctl start clickhouse-server / real	0m8.130s

4 - S3Disk


  • skip_access_check — if true, it’s possible to use read only credentials with regular MergeTree table. But you would need to disable merges (prefer_not_to_merge setting) on s3 volume as well.

  • send_metadata — if true, ClickHouse® will populate s3 object with initial part & file path, which allow you to recover metadata from s3 and make debug easier.

Restore metadata from S3



  1. ClickHouse need RW access to this bucket

In order to restore metadata, you would need to create restore file in metadata_path/_s3_disk_name_ directory:

touch /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/_s3_disk_name_/restore

In that case ClickHouse would restore to the same bucket and path and update only metadata files in s3 bucket.



  1. ClickHouse needs RO access to the old bucket and RW to the new.
  2. ClickHouse will copy objects in case of restoring to a different bucket or path.

If you would like to change bucket or path, you need to populate restore file with settings in key=value format:

cat /var/lib/clickhouse/disks/_s3_disk_name_/restore
